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Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword:   Sort By:   Your search returned 250 essays for Gladiator : 1  2  3  4    Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating   The Gladiator Trailer - In the summer of 2000 a box office hit was released. “Gladiator” was a brilliant action film set in Ancient Rome, which appealed to over 15s from both genders. The film was hugely successful and raked in over 0,000,000 in the U.S box-office and 4,000,000 worldwide. However the film wouldn’t have been nearly as successful as it was without the help of an exciting and gripping trailer to appeal to the target audience. Trailers are very important in the film industry because it’s the one chance film-makers have to attract their target audience.   [tags: Gladiator, ] 1833 words(5.2 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] History's Finest: The Gladiator - The concept of gladiators was a very prevalent occurrence in Ancient Rome, and it constitutes as a significant milestone in the shaping of history. With this in mind it is important for this piece of history to be presented accurately. In general, the gladiator is portrayed correctly, however sometimes scholars miss important details. The history of the Roman Gladiator is crucial to the legacy of Ancient Rome and its accurate representation is just as vital. The people of Rome were known for many things; one was their love of games.   [tags: Ancient Rome, Roman Gladiator] :: 2 Works Cited 1742 words(5 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Roman Entertainment: Gladiator Exhibitions - According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of entertainment is “amusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc”. There are.
Gladiator is about the victorious and admired Roman General, Maximus Decimus Meridias. His only desire is to return home from battle to his wife and son. He has been away for over two years. But sadly, things are not that easy for Maximus. The Emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius sits on his death bed and tells that he would like Maximus to insure that Rome returns to public rule. This means taking temporary control of the Empire until the Roman Senate can get it together enough to take over. Maximus at first refuses, but ultimately agrees to wield the power when the emperor dies. The Emperor then tells his actual son Commodus about how he wishes his empire to be run, and that he would like Maximus to do it. Commodus becomes angry and hurt and then strangles his own father. Then proclaims himself the new Emperor. Maximus refuses to serve under the new emperor which sentences him and his family to death. Maximus kills the guards sent to kill him without struggle but finds he is too late to prevent the death of his wife and son. Maximus is found in poor condition and taken as a slave for Proximo. Maximus and other slaves are trained to fight as a Gladiators. At first Maximus refuses but eventually learns that he must fight or die. Maximus becomes known as Spaniard by the slaves and crowds at the arenas. Because he has been at battle, unlike the others, he becomes an amazing gladiator. He fights his way to fame with new identity. Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the request of the new emperor Commodus. He has no idea that Maximus is a gladiator in this marathon, he believes he is dead. Maximus and the rest of the troupe get placed in a game that is sure death for them all, but Maximus takes on the leader position and they survive. The whole crowd is amazed, including the new Emperor Commodus. He insists on meeting.
Simply enter your paper topic to get started! Film Summary - Gladiator 3 Pages 632 Words March 2015 Saved essays Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly! Topics in this paper Popular topics This essay has been written to analyze 6 frames from the film, Gladiator, in terms of camera distance and angle, framing, lighting, color, characterization, lenses used, and theme. These factors work together to determine how effective the sequence is. The 6 frames take place in sequence 1, of the film, the battle scene. In frame 1, we can see Maximus’s hand passing through grass. The type of shot used is a close-up, and the camera angle is an eye-level angle. The framing focuses the viewers attention on the hand. A normal lens is used in this shot. This happens right in the beginning of the film. The hand passing through the grass has symbolism. It symbolizes Maximus’s home, and farm. He draws on this image during the battle scene, to give him comfort, and make him feel at ease. The colors used are very light. Soft colours giving the audience a feeling of serenity, peace, and happiness. In frame 3, a bird can be seen sitting on a twig or branch. The shot is an eye-level long shot, a normal lens is used. The framing focuses the viewers attention on the bird. The lighting and colors are very dark, and this gives the viewer a depressing feeling. This bird on the twig also has an important symbolism in the film. Maximus studies and watches this bird before the battle commences. The bird could symbolize humility during chaotic time of war. It could also symbolize home for Maximus. In sequence 2, we see Maximus’ face. The type of shot is an eye-level, close up. The frame focuses the views attention on Maximus’s facial expression. He seems calm and is looking into distance. He is most likely thinking of the battle that's to come, or of home. Maximus is very calm in a.
Published: 23, March 2015 In the film Gladiator, Marcus Aurelius the Emperor of Rome chooses the victorious general Maximus Decimus Meridias instead of his own son Commodus to be his heir. Due to the lack of power Commodus was given, he condemned Maximus and his family to death. Commodus could not take the fact that his father did not choose him over Maximus so he decided to end his life by strangling him. Since Marcus Aurelius was dead, there was no possible way for rest of Rome to find out what his true dieing wishes were. Commodus made it perfectly clear to everyone that his father wanted him to take over after he passed away, because he knew people would believe him rather than Maximus. Maximus was unable to save his wife and son's life, since Commodus got to Spain first. Once he witnessed their dead bodies hanging, back in Spain, he fainted which caused him to be captured. Once Maximus was taken into slavery, he was being trained as a gladiator by Proximo. Maximus had a strong hope that one day he would be able to escape and finally get his revenge on Commodus. Maximus wanted to take the name as Emperor away from Commodus, just as Marcus Aurelius wished, just as much as he wanted to see his family again. Under the rule of Commodus, Rome called Proximo's troupe to participate in battles. While they were in Rome, Maximus plotted a plan to overthrow the emperor, with the help of his former-love Lucilla, Commodus' sister. While Maximus was tied up, Commodus paid a visit and not only invited Maximus to a match between the two of them, but he stabbed him in the side, without anyone knowing. During their intense battle, Maximus was able to stab and kill Commodus, but died shortly after due to the stabbing that took place before the battle. Before the battles, they would say 'strength and honour' to each other, for encouragement. Before Maximus' escape, the other men.