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working from home essay

There are two camps when it comes to working from home. One group usually thinks that people will get nothing done and the group that believes workers will be happier and more productive. Chances are, your answer greatly depends on how you personally fare when working from home. While some people swear by 40 hours a week in the office, there is growing support for the second camp of workers who find they are more productive working from home. Recent studies have supported the idea that working from home – for the right people – can increase productivity and decrease stress. Research also suggests companies that encourage and support a work from home protocol actually save money in the long run; an added bonus on the employer side. The tech industry is well known for its flexible schedules and telecommuting opportunities. Which makes sense considering most tech companies are web based and that technology is the greatest resource when working from home. With video chats, conference calls, VPN networks, and wireless internet, we can constantly stay connected as though we were sitting in our office rather than at home. Tech is also experiencing a shortage of talent for a number of jobs, and hiring remote workers opens the talent pool for companies seeking STEM workers. Boris Kontsevoi, founder and president of Intetics Co states, “In the tech sphere majority of the work happens on the computer and online. As a result, the location of the person is no longer as important, as long as they have a reliable Internet connection.” Nature of Tech While remote workers can be found in a number of different industries, it’s more prevalent in the tech-sphere. It could be due to the nature of most tech jobs – especially jobs such as developer and programmer – that require a strong attention to detail and long hours of focus. Working from home can reduce the amount of distractions.
There are many reasons for setting up office at home. One might need to be with the children or maybe saving office rent is a requirement. Just like there are innumerable reasons for working from home similarly there are many pros and cons that one must consider when setting up shop in the house.When you are working in a formal set-up, all the advantages of working from home seem to come to our minds. And many people often get attracted by the whole idea of being ones own boss. And there is no doubt about the fact that there are many rewards of working from home.More time with children – One of the main advantages of working from home is that one gets to spend much more time with the children. Monitoring their progress and providing them with the guidance that they may need for their development becomes easier.Reduction in travel time – Another major advantage is that travel time is saved. Millions of people waste hours traveling to-and-fro from work. In fact commercial cities have unbearable traffic during the office hours that are aptly called the ‘rush hours’. Savings in wardrobe – Not having to maintain a formal wardrobe is another aspect of working from home that is advantageous. There is no need to get into a suit or other such formal wear while working from home. One can just work in comfortable casual clothing and that might actually increase productivity.Savings in office rent – If you have a separate office of your own and do not work for another company, working from home can mean a huge saving in office rent.Savings in taxes – Taxes can be saved by ensuring a thorough filing of expenses that one incurs. Some fixed expenses can be shared – Incidental expenses are lowered since they are shared by the home as well as the office. Telephone, stationary and other such overhead expenses are shared between the house as well as the office thus cutting cost if it is.
Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working from homeGive reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Working from home is becoming an increasingly common career choice for a number of 21st-century employees. There a both numerous benefits and downfalls that come with working from home. In this essay, I will discuss both pros and cons of working from home and try to draw several conclusions.One of the greatest advantages of working from home is cost and time saving when you do not have to commute to work. As a matter of fact, terrible traffic jam and hours of waiting will be not your concern if you chose to work from home. Furthermore, you can save a great deal of money spending on your cars or motorbikes. Secondly, working from home offers flexibility in managing your own time. You can work whenever and wherever you want in your house instead of sitting 8-hours long in the office. Your time at work is also much more flexible while it is not dependent on others’ schedule.On the other hand, it requires a lot of self-discipline because you can be very lose your contraction when working from home. Without discipline, instead of working, you might end up doing something else and find excuses for yourself why you did not do this or that. Moreover, you will lose track of your time and even be disobedient with your own plans and schedules. Another major disadvantage of home-working is less professional experience. A large majority of people working at home do not really feel like they are professionals despite the load of works or opportunities they are working on. In fact, when you’re at home, you feel at home, and hence you may be less motivated to perform like when you do in an actual office setting.In conclusion, there are both pros and cons of this working style. Despite that it helps to save cost and.