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essay chemistry environmental protection

Martha Liana Nadia Xiao Nabil Mari-Liis Olesya Martha Figueroa ESL 91 Fall, 2000 Essay Topic: Imagine that it is the year 2050. Although governments and their citizens were warned about the dangers of the greenhouse effect as early as the 1970's, they did not take the necessary steps to prevent it from worsening. As a result, global warming and ozone depletion continued unchecked. In a well-organized essay, describe what life would be like in 2050 under these conditions. What would be the state of the climate? What would the nations of the world look like? What would be the day-to-day living conditions of the people of the world? All of our lives we have known that oxygen and air are the most precious resources to human beings. Human beings can survive for weeks or even months without food and for days without water. However a few minutes without air threatens our whole life. Today in the year 2050 air pollution is all around us and it continues to disturb the balance of nature and keeps on destroying the ecology of the world. We have endured many changes and adaptations. For how many years will we keep the planet earth going at this rate of pollution? We still don't have an answer to this question. This problem began during the Industrial Revolution where changed agricultural and industrial practices created new chemical compositions (oil, coal, gas, carbon dioxide) and added gases that absorbed infrared radiation and were released into the atmosphere. As a result, the earth's atmosphere kept on changing and the temperature of the planet kept on rising and now the global warming factor has no solution. Because of that the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) increased, resulting in the depletion of the ozone layer. Due to these changes we can see significant regional variations around the earth. The sea level increased because of glacial.
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