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how to list relevant coursework on resume

This week I asked people who hire librarians: Under what circumstances, if any, would you want to see coursework listed on a resume? I think there are times when I’ve seen a heading for “Coursework In:” on a resume and I think that’s helpful if someone is coming right out of library school. More often, I like to hear in the letter of application how the person’s coursework and particular experiences in those courses might relate to the job I’m posting. For example, we’re a team based organization so I want to hear how the person has worked collaboratively and successfully on group projects. But, if the person has particular technical skills associated with coursework, that can be great on a resume. – Laurie Phillips, Associate Dean for Technical Services, J. Edgar & Louise S. Monroe Library, Loyola University New Orleans Rule of thumb: do not go over the top on this. I like to see only coursework pertaining to the position in the resume. If there is other coursework that might be pertinent based on the posted job description, that can go in as a mention in the cover letter. – Marge Loch-Wouters, Youth Services Coordinator, La Crosse (WI) Public Library There are no circumstances under which I’d want to see coursework on a resume.  On an application, yes but not on a resume even for brand new grads. – Melanie Lightbody, Director of Libraries, Butte County I am not interested in seeing coursework on a resume. I can’t think of any circumstances in which I would want to see it, though it would be a good addition to a cover letter, if it was relevant to a special project mentioned in the ad. It would also be a good topic to discuss in the interview. It could also be a separate page, like publications and speaking engagements, with course title and description. Instructor might also be useful. – Jaye Lapachet, Manager of Library Services, Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP.
Skip to main content. by Beth Rifkin, Demand Media Step 1List your education information as a separate section of your resume. If your education credits are stronger than your work experience, you may format the education information as the first section. Write the name of the school you attended, location, degree, major, minor and year graduated or expected year of graduation. Step 3Highlight the courses that were advanced or specialized in any way. Avoid listing any basic college coursework. For example, if you are applying for a marketing position, mention a specialized marketing strategy and analysis project that you completed rather than the basic marketing courses that you are required to take. Also, keep the content relevant to the job for which you are applying. Step 4Enhance the work experience section of your resume with internships and volunteer positions, even if they are college related. If you volunteered to oversee the advertising for a school event, for example, place that information in the work section. Warning Include your GPA on your resume if it is a 3.0 or higher. You may list your GPA compiled from just specialized classes or your major if your overall GPA is lower than 3.0. Photo Credits Hemera Technologies/ Images.
Continue to: EXPERIENCE AND ACTIVITIES → Related Coursework You may list appropriate college coursework in your resume, especially if you are applying for a position that is less related to your major or the coursework is unique or specialized in the career field. For example, if you apply for a technical writing position but you majored in Biology, it would be advantageous to list some of the writing courses you have taken to highlight your skills. You can create a separate section on your resume using the headings, “Related Coursework” or “Relevant Coursework,” or include your class listing under your education section. It is best to list the classes in a column format, so they are easier to read. Examples: (From an Integrated Science & Technology major:) Energy Coursework Thermodynamics Energy Economics and Politics Domestic Energy Solutions Sustainable/Renewable Energy   Biotechnology Coursework Biotechnology in Industry and Agriculture Cell Biology for Biotechnology Biotechnology for the New Millennium Ethical Implications of Biotechnology (From an International Affairs major:) Related Coursework: U.S. Foreign Policy, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Simulations in Middle East Security, Politics of Central and East Europe, U.S. Diplomatic History, International Economics, Cross-National Research Skills Course Projects You can describe a significant project from a course to explain your skills and knowledge in a certain area. To do so, you can create a separate section on your resume using the heading, “Course Projects,” or include your course project under your education or experience sections. It is best to use the name of the course rather than the course number. Examples: Integrated Functional Systems, COB 300, JMU, Fall 2013 Completed 12-hour comprehensive learning experience that combined disciplines of finance, marketing, management, and.