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architectural design thesis topics

The best thing you can do when starting a thesis is picking the right topic quickly. Once this is out of the way, you have freedom to do your research and get right into the project. Without a topic, you can waste precious time floundering. Also, students who decide on a topic and then need to change it are just using up the time they have before their deadline. It’s much better to spend a little more time picking the right one, but not taking too long to decide before moving on. If you really need more help with topic picking, keep reading to find out about how you can do just that. When working on a thesis, remember that this is the most important piece of writing you’ve done so far in your life. It’ll be long, hard work but it counts for a lot as far as your career goes. Starting with a strong topic and one that you love learning about is key to making your thesis great from day one. You need your work to stand out by showing your individual passion and intelligence regarding the topic. Topic Ideas for Unique Architecture Theses You can use some of these to kick-start your own work or use them as is. Any of these topics can be a great way to get into your research and find something you love about architecture. You went into this program for a reason, and your thesis should show that passion for your field. Use these ideas as a stepping-stone for your own work: Waterfront property development Creating low cost housing Local heritage museums International terminals for cruises Airport design and functionality Planning peripheral parks. School vs. public libraries Architecture for cinemas and theatres Skyscraper design Multifamily suburban houses With these ten to get your inspiration flowing, you should be able to come up with something that you like enough to write about. Once you have that topic, you’ll be able to start planning, outlining and getting to work.
It actually depends on your interest and future prospects.If you want to do masters in urban design/ planning you can select thesis on those topics.If you want to work in housing firm, work on a housing project which will help u to get a job, if want to work in hospitality, healthcare industrial or whatever field, thesis is actually a gateway for jobs in those firms.Lastly it's your final chance in B.Arch level to design something you really want. So you can work on your area of interest irrespective of future prospects.
Prev Article Next Article Hello Folks. Architectural Design Research Topics for Thesis and Journals is some way call it off track. But it is important to those who actually new incomer of the world of architecture. Cool and innovative Architectural Design Research Topics for Thesis and Journals As per my personal experience, this kind of information related to what is going in and around us, and it is use full for all academia and their circle. With this kind of informative subject, I would like to express some of my feeling toward those fellas those use this article in selection of their architectural study and prepare for their bright future. I like to those are prosper in their life and give their best to society and world of Architecture. You may also like  GENERAL LIST OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RESEARCH TOPICS : Urban Planning and Transport: Airports Train stations Urban transport Mass Rapid Transit System (MTRS) Study and Station Integrated Transportation Node Bus Terminal Cum Commercial Complex International Cruise terminal Redevelopment around metro and MRTS Corridor Architecture in motion Bridges and Communication Towers Squares Promenades and streets Urban parks Peripheral parks Urban Monuments and Land Art Cultural facilities Bio-inspired research center fish farming and learning center Museums Art galleries Cultural Centers and Foundations School and Universities Libraries Religious buildings architecture for humanity International Invention Center Center for self employment and provision of education for women Leisure Facilities Auditoriums Theater and Cinemas Sport Facilities Film and Research Institute Theme parks and Attractions Bars, Discotheques ,and Game Rooms Shopping malls Stores and showrooms Restaurants Public Buildings, Institutions, and Offices Public Bodies Public Service Buildings Institute For Entrepreneurship and Technology Urban Offices.
Course Structure The college conducts a five-year (10-semester) course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.), which is recognized by the Council of Architecture.The total course is divided into two stages: Stage One is from the first semester to the sixth semester, awarding the Degree of Bachelor of Building Science. A university examination is held at the end of each semester. Stage Two is from the seventh semester to the tenth Semester, awarding the degree of Bachelor of Architecture.A university examination is held at the end of each semester. Practical Training The students in their seventh semester undergo a 24-week practical training in approved architectural offices/firms. This helps them in gaining practical knowledge in office and on the site. It also helps in eliminating the gap between the theoretical and the practical approach to handling a project. About 50% of the students undergo their practical training in foreign countries like, Germany, France, Austria, Vienna, and Switzerland , etc. Thesis In the tenth semester every student undertakes a thesis project in which he gets an opportunity to prove his ability to independently handle all phases of a building design. The thesis project comprises the following: a) A typed and illustrated report which includes validity of the chosen subject, methodology, aims and objectives, prototype studies, client's and architect's briefs, conclusions and design criteria along with sketches, photographs, tables, diagrams, etc. b) A fully worked out design proposal along with models and three dimensional views. Students are encouraged to develop expertise in the areas of their own interest and to develop a sound base for pursuing further studies in their chosen fields of specialization for which a large number of elective subjects like interior design, landscape design, advanced structures, town.
It surprises many people who haven’t done a PhD that it can be hard to know what your topic really is. When you first start a PhD your ideas can shift around a lot; it may seem like from week to week you change your mind. Over time you would hope this situation would settle down, but I meet many people who have two or more topics struggling to be in the same thesis, right up to the last minute. I call this the Incredible Hulk Complex: too much man, too little shirt (your poor thesis text is the shirt in this metaphor by the way). I am no stranger to the Incredible Hulk complex. I originally got into a PhD program proposing that I would investigate the use of genetic algorithms in architectural design. I ended up looking at how architects use gesture as they are designing together. It was hard to let go of all the interests that I had but, to paraphrase what a wise man once wrote, there can be only One Topic. Only one Topic can rule them all, find them, bring them all and in the darkness bind them. My supervisor gets the credit for convincing me to do work on gesture – and he has my undying thanks. How do you know when you have the One Topic? Here’s how I knew: 1) I found there was substantial work in the area already This may run counter to the idea that a thesis has to be an ‘original contribution to knowledge’, but there’s doable original and too original. If some work in the area exists already you have something to hold onto, examine and critique if necessary. When I decided to look at gesture I naively thought there wouldn’t be much work on it – how wrong was I! There was about 200 years of research in the area of gesture already. I found this demoralising until I realised that only about 3 people had looked at architects and none had looked at education – a nice little gap was still left for me to squeeze into. 2) I thought it was fascinating Gesture is a.
I know this sounds silly as the list may be never-ending. But I find many people looking for suggestions for their architectural thesis topics over the internet. So, I wanted to create a forum where we all can contribute to create a big list over this.I think this will help a lot of people.Firstly, people looking for thesis topics over the internet can get some good suggestions here.Secondly, people looking for some cool and innovative topics can skip all the suggestion on this forum and do their own thing. They can get a good idea of what is commonly thought by people here. Also, they can list out their cool topic after their thesis is successful.Lastly, if people who have completed their thesis can list out their topics here with a brief description, it will be very helpful.So, lets get started.  thanks Rohit.but i want to some more creative topics for thesis according to my country (pakistan). so dear if anyone have some suggestion about creative thesis topics, i will be greatfull all of you.i decide the some topics about my thesis please anyone can help me about that topics like space center. astronomical museum, olympic city.please any one can help me about thesis please please.i want urgent hepl plz help me.and give me some more creative thesis topics plzzzz.

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