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alcoholism term papers

Order PaperOur Prices Who We Are What We Do Alcohol Abuse Research Papers discuss the affects of alcohol on the body. Like marijuana, alcohol abuse has behavioral, cognitive, and physical side effects. The difference between the two is that the adverse effects of alcohol consumption are more widely known, and usually more severe than those associated with marijuana use and abuse. According to the results of recent studies, approximately 44 percent of the United States adult population consumed at least 12 drinks in the previous year. An estimated 14 million Americans abuse alcohol (7.4 percent of the population), and more than one-half of American adults has or has had a family member who suffers from alcoholism. Paper Masters can compose a custom written research paper on alcohol abuse that follows your guidelines. Alcohol Abuse Affects The Body   Studies have confirmed that alcohol abuse affects vital organs in the body and causes: Cardiovascular diseases Liver cirrhosis Fetal abnormalities. Alcohol consumption has been positively linked to: Automobile collisions Low worker productivity levels Violence Poor school performance Troubled family relationships Alcohol abuse has also been positively linked to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes and hypertension. Alcohol has been linked to a number of cancers, including: breast cancer cancers of the head and neck Cancers of the digestive tract Other studies have confirmed that moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease. Alcohol Consumption According to The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol consumption on a social level is closely correlated with stress reduction, mood elevation, increased sociability and relaxation. However, those who are dependent on alcohol may experience more stress and psychological distress. Additionally, alcohol dependence increases the.
Hello,I have a started version of my paper and I am mainly just looking for some feedback and what you think of it so far and what I can do to improve it. Got an ideas for a creative title?Thanks for all your help.JenAlcoholismWhen you hear the word drug what do think automatically comes to your mind? Well, most likely it will be an illegal drug that anyone can find on the streets. Like cocaine, heroin, marijuana. Very few people think of alcohol as a drug, but if alcohol is constantly abused it can even be more harmful then an illegal substance. I believe that alcohol and alcoholism has become a major issue in our society and needs to be handled differently. By this I think that we need to look in depth of what alcoholism really is, what causes it, who is effected and what are the treatments for alcoholism. For people to stop abusing alcohol or drugs they must have options that will help and assist them through the process of over coming their addiction. People do not realize irresponsible drinking of alcohol can destroy a person's life. When someone becomes psychologically and physical dependent on alcohol they become an alcoholic and suffer from a disease called alcoholism.Alcohol is a very common substance in our society today. Studies have shown that in a single year, between 7.4% and 9.7% of the population are dependent on alcohol. (Torr 21) But many issues can arise from drinking alcohol if you do not drink wisely. It is said that there is approximately 14 million alcohol abusers in America, it is estimated that slightly less than 7 million are alcoholics. (Harvey 6) When someone becomes both physically and psychologically addicted to alcohol, they become an alcoholic and suffer from a disease called alcoholism. The Webster's Dictionary defines it as the habitual excessive consumption of alcohol. So in other words alcoholism is an uncontrollable use of.
Example research paper on Alcoholism: Alcohol’s importance in our social history is significant. Even more significant is the abuse of alcohol and the how alcoholism has effected modern society. However, before the word “alcoholism” was ever spoken, alcohol was used for many purposes such as settling battles, giving courage in battles, celebrating festivals and wooing lovers. The history of alcohol can be traced all the way back to the Egyptians. In Egyptian burials, it was used to help the dead’s journey to the afterlife. There is also evidence that the Babylonians, around 1600 BC, knew how to brew 20 different types of beer. It was also around this time that alcohol was tied to abuse. The Babylonians made their laws include punishments against drunkenness. The Greeks and the Romans drank mostly wine, and they loved it so much that they worshipped Dionysus, the god of wine. When they worshipped, the Greeks and Romans would become extremely intoxicated. Their writings are full of warnings against drinking too much. In 55 BC, the Romans introduced beer, right before alcohol become important in religious cultures. The Old Testament refers to alcohol numerous times, and wine plays an important role in the rituals of many religions. Wine was sanctified by Jesus in the New Testament, and many Roman Catholics still drink wine today as part of their worship. Some religions, like Judaism and Christianity, wanted to keep alcohol sacred, so they made drinking too much alcohol into a sinful act. But alcohol’s popularity grew fast, and by the Middle Ages, many monasteries were making beer to give to the monks and to sell to pilgrims. Soon, home breweries were showing up, and they became taverns and other public places where people could gather to drink. The making of alcohol, specifically beer, was not modernized until the time of the Renaissance. Science played an important.
Alcoholism has been defined by Wikipedia as compulsive, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages to the extent of causing problems to the drinker’s health, personal relationships and even social circles. It is considered an addictive illness in the medical field, with the person suffering from it referred to as an alcoholic. In America alone, approximately 17.6million (about 8.46%) of the adult population abuse alcohol. Alcoholism has many negative effects to the drinker as well as the people around them. It is experienced in both wealthy and poor families. From its onset, family relations start taking a negative turn. It is associated with child neglect and abuse, and violence in the family. Slowly, close family ties are broken and in comes quarrels, tempers and both verbal and physical abuse. Homes are broken and jobs lost, which could mean loss of family’s main source of income. There are also the jovial alcoholics, who laugh a lot, pay more attention to entertainment and jokes even when seriousness is required, causing emotional distress to people around them. With the lost time also goes money that could have been put to better use. Often times we’ve heard of people drinking themselves to poverty; to extents of selling off all their property, even family homes. Lives have been lost due to alcoholism. WHO research conducted in 2011 showed that about 2.5million deaths (about 4% of all deaths) every year are as a result of alcohol abuse. These numbers are far greater than those of deaths by HIV/Aids, violence or tuberculosis, yet still, alcoholics are much more prone to these infections and violent behavior. Treatment of alcoholics involves lots of time and resources and is a huge socio-economic burden to family and friends. Therefore, alcoholism being a global problem causing harm beyond psychological and physical health of the drinker and their family.
Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword:   Sort By:   Your search returned over 400 essays for Alcoholism 1  2  3  4  5    Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating   Factors, Symptoms and Treatment of Alcoholism - Alcoholism is a chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. The disease is often progressive and fatal if left untreated. It is characterized by impaired control over alcohol use despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking. There are critics who disagree with calling Alcoholism a disease despite the definition on the word disease which means an involuntary disability but the fact that alcoholism is a disease is widely accepted within the medical and scientific communities.   [tags: Alcoholism, ] 1210 words(3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Young Adolescent Alcoholism - Literature and History Alcoholism is a disease characterized by factors such as a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite past harm, the inability to limit drinking, withdrawal symptoms when drinking stops, and the need to increase the amount consumed to feel the effects (CDC, Frequently Asked Questions). It is estimated that over 76 million people worldwide suffer from an alcohol consumption problem ( The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) conducted a study in 2005 which showed that alcohol abuse can start as early as 8th grade.   [tags: Alcoholism] :: 8 Works Cited 1035 words(3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Alcoholism in America - Abstract Alcoholism today is viewed by some as a disease and by others as “willful misconduct”. Alcoholism is indeed a medical disease living in abnormalities in.