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world religions essay topics

Religions have shaped the nations of our world very much, yet rarely do we ever take the time to learn about it. Religions have defined nations, given purpose to lives of people, and have started wars. This here report is a report on such religions, their beliefs, their founders, and their followers. Judaism was founded by the Hebrew nation of Israel. Abraham, as in the Bible character, is recognized as the Father of this religion. One of the most tenet doctrines in Judaism is monotheism, or the belief in one God. This idea is expressed in the Bible as well as many of Judaism's other doctrines. It was prophesied in the Bible that a Messiah, or Savior would be born. He was expected to come bringing God's kingdom of perfect harmony here to Earth. After the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C. and the captivity by the Babylonians that followed it, a few other doctrines were added to the religion that we now call Judaism. It was in Babylonia that the Israelites adopted and absorbed new ideas, like the personification of evil, which they named Satan, and the belief in the resurrection of the dead. In the period of time that followed after they were allowed back into their own lands, the Israelites began to publicly study the Torah, or Pentateuch (the first five books of! our Bibles), and write their thoughts upon it. These thoughts and clarifications were collected and bound in two volumes, called the Mishna and the Talmud. With Alexander the Great's conquest of Israel came more ideas, the most significant of which was the immortality of the soul. Also with Alexander came Greek philosophy. Conflicts over the permissible amount of Hellenization eventually led the revolt of the Maccabees. Apocalyptic beliefs grew as the quality of Israelite life deteriorated. National catastrophes and the Messiahs coming were seen as imminent and soon-coming events. Out of these.
Huston Smith This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. Essay Topic 1 Write an essay on the ultimate goal of all religions. In your essay mention the different concepts of heaven or nirvana as held by different religious thought. Contrast the ideas of achieving perfection and the ideas of a place.Essay Topic 2 Write an essay about the Dalai Lama. Include the tradition of reincarnation in your essay. Collect information about the current Dalai Lama and his impact not only on Tibetans but also on the world in general.Essay Topic 3 Write an essay comparing Buddhism and Protestantism as movements to reform ecclesiastical excesses. In the essay contrast the methods used to bring about the reforms.Essay Topic 4 Write an essay about religion and pacifism. Describe the approach several different religions take toward war. Give specific examples.Essay Topic 5 Write an essay about what you got out of studying Huston Smith's book. Has it changed your mindset on.(read more Essay Topics) This section contains 812 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) Copyrights The World's Religions from BookRags. (c)2016 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved.
Paper Masters provides custom research papers on any aspect of world religions you need. This is a list of topics for world religion research papers. Paper Masters provides custom research papers on any aspect of world religions you need - Topics such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Muslims, or comparing and contrasting various world religions. research paper on comparison of World Religions.  Have Paper Masters custom write your research paper for you today! World Religions Research Paper Topic Suggestions Agnosticism - Agnosticism essays discuss that the ultimate truths of religious claims, including the existence of God, cannot be known. Aliens in the Bible - Research papers on Aliens in the Bible examine the references to aliens located in the Bible. Anamism - Anamism Term Paper delves into the religious beliefs that everything is spiritual. This Dates back to Paleolithic Era. Astrology - Astrology research papers examine the ancient system of divination based on the alignment of the stars and planets in the sky. Atheism - Atheism, simply stated, is the belief that there is no God or gods. Christian Science - Christian Science research papers examine a religious branch that believes in God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible iand also believe that everything material is an illusion and the only thing that is real is the spiritual realm. Christian Theology - Christian Theology custom writings look into the intellectual and philosophical construct through which the ideas and dogmas of Christianity, one of the world’s three major faiths, are expressed. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints essays discuss the religion popularly known as the Mormon Church. Confucianism - Confucianism research papers discuss the ancient Chinese ethical system, developed from the writings of the philosopher Confucius. Paganism - Paganism.
To Guide to EE To Assessment- Subject Specific World Religions These subject guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Assessment Criteria Overview Extended essays in world religions provide students with the opportunity to undertake an in-depth investigation into a limited topic within the field of world religions. The study should integrate disciplined research that is informed by scholarly methods with original and imaginative analysis, interpretation, and critical evaluation of the results of that research. Students who are considering submitting an extended essay in world religions are strongly advised to study carefully a copy of the Diploma Programme syllabus for this subject, before making a final decision. The syllabus gives a clear idea of the scope and content of the subject, and will help students to decide whether their choice of topic is appropriate. World religions comprises a systematic. critical, yet sensitive study of the variety of beliefs, values and practices encountered in religions around the world. A rigorous attempt is made to maintain objectivity in the analysis and evaluation of religions. This requires, at the very least, an authentic attempt to understand the beliefs, values and practices of the religion being studied by using language and concepts drawn from that religious tradition. Essays that are primarily a defence or critique of the beliefs, values and practices of a particular religious tradition, or that explain or evaluate religious phenomena from the standpoint of another religious tradition or of a secularist ideology, are unacceptable. The concern is not just with what the followers of a faith believe and do, but also with an understanding of why they do so, through an appreciation of the form of life and world outlook that they constitute. The result of writing an essay in world religions should be, among other.