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essays homeless people

What are some factors that contribute to successful placement of homeless individuals? Everyone deserves a decent home. Shelter is a fundamental human need. However, not every person gets to have a home. People without shelter face many challenges. For instance, they are often exposed to infectious diseases, bad weather, and unsafe environments. Besides, their predicament might compel them to take part in vices such as drug abuse or prostitution. Providing financial assistance, rehabilitation, and transitional housing are some of the solutions for homelessness. The following discourse highlights the factors that lead to successful placement of persons who are homeless. Financial woes contribute to homelessness in a significant way. Hombs states that most homeless people are unable to meet social responsibilities such as paying rent. Therefore, the best way of addressing the problem is making sure they gain financial stability through gainful employment. This can be achieved through job opportunities for those who are qualified. However, those without any vocational skills can be trained then offered jobs based on their qualifications and fields of interest. This would ensure that such persons become financially independent which would contribute to the success of their placement. Rehabilitation or treatment of homeless people in anticipation of gainful employment improves their chances of a successful placement. Some homeless people are drug addicts or persons with medical conditions. Consequently, it is important for them to be rehabilitated or treated for a healthy lifestyle. This would be important if they are to lead a productive lifestyle which would ensure they meet their social responsibilities. Housing is a fundamental human need. Homeless people lack shelter. Consequently, one way of helping them is providing them with shelter. According to Bringle.
The Homeless in America Length: 779 words (2.2 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Homeless in America I never imagined that I would be homeless. Although I have read this statement made over and over again, the facts behind it remain astonishing. The facts are that there are millions of homeless in America today. Many of these people had no choice but to become homeless. Economic problems such as being laid off work, or the rise in the cost of housing had lead people to live on the streets. Many of the homeless are women that have become divorced or have left home because of physical abuse. These women have no education because they have not been given the chance to go and get the education that it takes nowadays to get the job, so they are forced to live on the streets. They have no family to help them and they are left with no other choice. People with mental illnesses also become homeless quite often. These people are incapable of handling the stress of living on their own. These people get kicked out of their homes and are to ashamed to go to their families because of their illness, so we see them on the streets struggling to stay warm. Teenage mothers are also forced to live on the streets because their families will not help them. The fathers are not there and that forces them to live on the streets. So they must resort to prostitution to pay for the food that their young ones need to stay alive. There are many other people that become homeless for many different reasons. Some of these people can not help becoming homeless. Some of these people are the illegal immigrants that come here from other places to get a better life but end up not having enough money to make it in this hard world that we live in. Teenage runaways have different reasons for leaving home but all have the same.
Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! The Solutions for Homelessness This great nation of awesome power and abundant resources is losing the battle against homelessness. The casualties can be seen on the street corners of every city in American holding an I will work for food” sign. Homeless shelters and rescue missions are at full capacity. There is no room at the inn for the nation's indigent. Anyone who has studied this issue understands that homelessness is a complex problem. Communities continue to struggle with this socio-economic problem while attempting to understand its causes and implement solutions. The public and private sectors of this country are making a difference in the lives of the homeless by addressing the issues of housing, poverty and education. Many believe that a common thread among the homeless is a lack of permanent and stable housing. But beyond that, the factors leading to homelessness and the services that are needed are unique according to the individual. To put them into one general category - the homeless- suggests that people are homeless for similar reasons and therefore a single solution is the answer. Every homeless person shares the basic needs of affordable housing, adequate incomes and attainable healthcare. But a wide range of other unmet needs cause some people to become or remain homeless which include drug treatment, employment training, transportation, childcare and mental health services (Center 8.) Presently, one of the main causes of homelessness in American is the lack of affordable housing. New York researchers claim that affordable housing is the answer to homelessness. Researcher, Mary Beth Shinn, states, homelessness is first and foremost a housing problem not a psychological one” (qtd. in Franklin 15.) Nearly all the families in their study became stably housed regardless of substance abuse, mental illness.
   Most of you probably did not watch 48 Hours January 18. I did, by accident, and I am very glad that I did.I was flipping channels as I do every night, when I came across a sorrowful sight: homeless men and women, laying near the wall of a busy Manhattan train station. Dan Rather appeared and said that during the next hour, reporters would be talking to the homeless, and those who lived around them. They interviewed numerous people; split into three categories: the homeless; those who helped them; and those who did not.One woman was a mother who commuted everyday and used the New York public train system. During the winter months, the number of homeless living in the station increased and this woman did not like it. She claimed that most of the homeless people were very able-bodied and could obtain a good job, but they chose not to. She obviously does not understand that no one can acquire a job without a home address. This woman also said that most of the homeless could be put in shelters, but they would rather live on the streets. But many shelters across the country are being closed because of a shortage of funds.Another woman lived across the street from a park in New York that was occupied by homeless people. Many had moved in and built tents in the park and the citizens living around the park saw it as a disgrace that they could no longer walk through it and call it a park. This woman said that she just wanted the park back. I saw all of the homeless in that park have their tents burned down, and be kicked out of a public place. They all had to part with their valuables, those that they had, and were forced to live on city street and alleys.Another mother and son did a lot to help the homeless. The mother cared for the homeless by giving them a hot breakfast in the morning and giving them money to eat a decent lunch and dinner. Her fifteen year old son spent.
Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! Homelessness Imagine feeling lost and not knowing what to do or where to go. You spend each night in the musky weather on a bench, which you call your bed. As you wake up to the chattering noises each morning you decide which public place will allow you to clean yourself up. When you get hungry, you beg people for change to eat a cheap meal or you search the nearest garbage can. For the rest of the day you sit in the city hoping people will notice you and want to help out. Knowing that you are not judged by who you are but what you are, you realize that most people in society don’t understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change. Throughout the world it is impossible to count the exact amount of homeless, but it is known to be millions. Every day in cities and towns across the country, men, women, and children dressed in rags walk the streets, often talking to visions and begging for money. Most are carrying plastic bags or pushing shopping carts filled with personal belongings. Sometimes they curl up on a bench or in a doorway under filthy blankets or ragged coats. If someone gives them money they may respond with prayers of thanks and blessings, or stare off into space feeling untouched by efforts to help. These people are called homeless, although they are more than just people without homes. Most people in our society think the dirty, smelling homeless show signs of drug addictions. Others smell like alcohol, which shows their drunkenness. “The homeless people who choose to do such things set a bad example for the other homeless individuals who truly need help.” Some people in society may feel sad when questioned by panhandlers; others feel anger or even fear. “Although, we must know that different people with different reasons are either at risk of becoming homeless or are.
Homelessness in the United States is as a revolving-door crisis. This means that a person can be homeless on a given night and not be homeless the following night. One is homeless if he or she spends a night in a shelter for homeless people or a place that is not for human accommodation. Many other definitions exist. However, the main consensus on homelessness is that it is a condition and not an attribute or status. Many also agree that the Federal government should invest now more than ever towards reducing homelessness. One of the hurdles faced by the government is how to determine the portion of the population that is homeless. In the United States, estimates on the number of homeless people are often inaccurate. One of the reasons for this inaccuracy is because local counts are of homeless people usually rare. The main reason, however, stems from the fluctuation of the number of homeless people. How then can the size of the homeless population be determined? One of the ways counts can be designed is by establishing the number of homeless people in a given night. The Census Bureau refers to this as a point-in-time (PIT) count. Another complex variation of the PIT method involves determining the number of people homeless for one night or more within a given time. Point-in-time-count methods vary and are not perfect. However, when these counts are compared over a time, the trend in numbers can be used to determine whether the homeless population has decreased or increased. For example, PIT estimated the homeless population in the US at 643,067 and decreased by 1% to 636,017 in 2011. This was as decrease of approximately 7,000 people. The size of the homeless population in the U.S. as established through PIT counts depends on a number of factors such as the housing market conditions, shelter rules and prevailing weather conditions. However, housing market conditions.