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example of essay in outline form

This is an article with a few research paper outline examples. Creating an outline is the first thing you should do before you start working on your research paper. Research Paper Outline Examples Once you've already decided what topic you will be writing about, the next thing you should pay attention to is the scope of your paper or what you will be including in your discussion. The broader your topic is, the more difficult it is to discuss your topic in full details. This is why you should establish before hand the scope and limitations of your paper and this will be the foundation of your research paper outline. Basically, your outline will constitute three main parts namely the Introduction, the Body and the Conclusion. But to make sure your paper is complete, consult your instructor for specific parts he/she wants to be included in your research paper. Sample outlines for research papers will be given later on. But first, let us discuss the main parts of your paper and what information each should cover. Introduction The Introduction should contain your thesis statement or the topic of your research as well as the purpose of your study. You may include here the reason why you chose the particular topic or simply the significance of your research paper's topic. You may also state what type of approach it is that you'll be using in your paper for the entire discussion of your topic. Generally, your Introduction should state briefly all the major points of your topic your readers will be reading about. Body The body of your paper is where you will be presenting all your arguments to support your thesis statement. Please be reminded of the “Rule of 3” where you should find 3 supporting arguments for each position you take. Start with a strong argument, followed by a stronger one, and end with the strongest argument as your final point. Conclusion Conclusion is where.
The guidelines from the American Psychological Association or APA are used for writing papers and doing assignments in the social sciences. They have guidelines for research papers, from the initial title page to the final works cited page. The APA even provides format examples for outlines to be prepared before the paper is written. Understanding the APA Outline Format When you look at the basic APA outline format example in this article, you will see that Roman numerals are used for the main headings in your outline, and capital letters are used for the sub-headings. Inside the sub-headings you use Arab numerals and lower case letters, in that order followed by Arab numerals in parenthesis. The full sentence outline is set up the same way, but with full sentences on each level of the outline. A less common form is the decimal outline, and your professor will tell you which kind of outline to use. The best way to gain an understanding of the APA outline format is to look at examples. Following are three APA outline format examples. To save space in the examples, only the first section of the outline will show the proper spacing. The College Application Process (Basic APA format) I. Choose Desired Colleges      A. Visit and evaluate college campuses      B. Visit and evaluate college websites           1. look for interesting classes           2. note important statistics                a. student/faculty ratio                b. retention rate II. Prepare Application      A. Write Personal Statement           1. Choose interesting topic                a. describe an influential person in your life                     (1) favorite high school teacher                     (2) grandparent           2. Include important personal details                a. volunteer work                b. participation in varsity sports      B. Revise personal statement III. Compile resume  .
Sure, you’re a lover not a fighter. I am too. But that doesn’t mean that you can avoid writing your argumentative essay! Since you have to write an argumentative essay, you might as well learn how to write it well, right? I’ve said it time and time again—there’s nothing worse than staring at a blank page. Putting together an argumentative essay outline is the perfect way to turn your blank document into a ready-to-use template. All you have to do is fill in the blanks! In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how to create an argumentative essay outline. At the end, I’ll give you a downloadable skeleton outline you can use to get started. Structure of the Argumentative Essay Outline If you distill your argumentative essay outline down to its basics, you’ll find that it’s made of four main sections: Intro Developing Your Argument Refuting Opponents’ Arguments Conclusion That’s not so bad! There’s really nothing to be afraid of. Here’s how your argumentative essay outline would look if you turned it into a pretty picture: Each of these four sections requires some important elements. Let’s break those down now. Argumentative Essay Outline Section 1: Your Intro  Your introduction is where you lay the foundation for your impenetrable argument. It’s made up of a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. 1. Hook. Your first sentence is comprised of a “hook.” Don’t know what a hook is? A hook is a sentence that grabs your reader’s attention just like a good Jackie Chan movie grabs the attention of a martial arts fan. Let’s say I’m writing an argumentative essay about why American people should start eating insects. My hook could be, “For those interested in improving their diets and the environment, say ‘goodbye’ to eating chicken, fish, and beef and ‘hello’ to eating silk worms, crickets, and caterpillars.” If you’re having trouble coming up with a good.
____________________________________________ Title of Essay   I.  Introduction           A.Background information (interesting facts, statistics, rhetorical questions) 1.  _________________________________      2.  _________________________________ B.  Thesis Statement: (Write the sentence in full. Include Topic, Controlling Idea, 3 Aspects/Focal Points.) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. II. ________________________________________                                (Main idea/aspect 1)           A. ___________________________________                                (Supporting idea 1)           1.   ________________________________                     (Example/detail)           2. ________________________________                     (Example/detail)              B. ___________________________________                                       (Supporting idea 2)           1. ________________________________                     (Example/detail)           2. ________________________________                     (Example/detail) III. ______________________________________                                 (Main idea/aspect 2)               A. _________________________________                                 (Supporting idea 1)                       1. ______________________________                                 (Example/detail)                       2. ______________________________                                 (Example/detail)               B. ________________________________                                 (Supporting idea 2)   1. ______________________________            (Example/detail)   2. _____________________________             (Example/detail)   IV. ___________________________________                                (Main idea/aspect 3)           A.
Essay format example Every essay outline follows the same basic formula and learning how to structure and write an essay can be easy if you follow the outline formula. Whether the essay is for a college scholarship, a class or a research project, you can use our essay outline example and template to learn how to format and write a great essay or see our other articles for more information on how to write an essay. Although there are many ways to write an essay, there is an easy outline to follow for success every time. How to format an essay outline An essay follows this format: 1. Introduction - including something to get the reader's interest 2. thesis statement- usually a statement that has three points you're going to talk about in your essay 3. Body of the essay or paper 4. Point 1, with 2 or 3 examples to back-up what you are talking about 5. Point 2, including a few that prove what you are talking about 6. Point 3, with a few examples to show what you are talking about 7. Conclusion - Summary or re-state your points and including a 'kicker' to give the essay meaning. Sample of how to write an essay outline To show you how to write an essay outline, here is an example of the format. In this example, we'll use the example of writing an outline for an essay about eating healthy.A. Introduction: Title: Fruits and veggies make for holistic health 1. Attention getter : Include statistic about how much food one person eats in their lifetime 2.Why I am writing paper : To show that eating lots of fresh produce is important for health 3. Thesis statement : To maintain a healthy diet a person should eat lots of fresh produce because fresh products contain vitamins, you can avoid many negative additives and it will help you control your weight. - transition 1: To begin, it is important to examine the vitamin content of produce and its effect on the body.B. Body paragraph.

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