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research papers site for structural engineering

Research Journal of The Institution of Structural Engineers.Structures aims to publish internationally-leading research across the full breadth of structural engineering. Papers for Structures are particularly welcome in which high-quality research will benefit from wide readership of academics and practitioners such that not only high citation rates but also tangible industrial-related pathways to impact are achieved.Structures seeks papers in areas relating to materials, structural form, structural mechanics, construction engineering, structural innovation, extreme events, sustainability, architectural topics that impact structural performance and other related areas. Structures actively encourages the profound use of electronic media to augment presentation.About The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers is the world's largest membership organisation dedicated to the art and science of structural engineering. The Institution has over 27,000 members working in 105 countries around the world. The Institution is an internationally recognised source of expertise and information concerning all issues that involve structural engineering and public safety within the built environment. The core work of the Institution is supporting and protecting the profession of structural engineering by upholding professional standards and acting as an international voice on behalf of structural engineers.For specific enquiries relating to a manuscript that has not yet been accepted for publication, please contact the Editorial Office at citing your manuscript number. Hide full aims and scope.
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AIM AND SCOPE International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering is a quarterly peer reviewed journal published by Integrated Publishing Association (IPA). It is one of the pioneering start up journal in Civil and Structural engineering which receives high quality research works from researchers across the globe. The journal publishes original research and review papers falling within the broad field of Civil Engineering which includes, but are not limited to, the following domains General Civil Engineering Structural/ Infrastructural Engineering Environmental Engineering and its other disciplines Highway and Transportation Engineering including shipping, docks, harbor engineering Railway/ Harbour Engineering Surveying and other verticals. Hydraulics and Water power engineering Geomatics, Geosciences, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information systems Application of IT in Civil Engineering Emerging areas of Civil Engineering. Any other areas of importance to Civil Engineering Advances in concrete research New building materials IJCER publishes theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies related to Civil Engineering, state-of-the-art reviews. Authors who are working in the area of Civil Engineering are welcome and encouraged to send articles for publication, which will support for the advancement of science and technology in civil engineering. Organizations, education institutions teaching Civil Engineering as a course and who are interested to publish papers regularly and willing to have tie- up with IJCSE are also welcome. Individuals, researchers and academia who are working in the field of Civil Engineering and willing to serve as editors or reviewers are also welcome, please send a mail to providing your resume. Key Features Emphasizes to bring out research articles that seeks to uncover the science.

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