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essay proverbs english

Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! Proverb Essay DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book a by its cover.” I have, and it is a true saying. Is it really good to judge a book by its cover? No, you should never judge the value of a person or thing simply by its appearance. The first reason why you shouldn’t judge is because you never know what that person can do or become. It’s never good to prejudge someone or something before you find out facts about them. Another reason why it is not good is because prejudging can stir up confusion. The last reason why it’s never good to prejudge, is because you wouldn’t want people to underestimate you so you shouldn‘t attempt to do it to anyone else. You never know what a person can do or become. A lot of people prejudge individuals before they are born because they look at their parents. It’s really not a decent thing to do. Some newborns grow up to be very successful children and they end up accomplishing a lot of things. Prejudging a child can lead to discouragement and it tends to cause despair. Some people can grow up in the worst neighborhoods and find themselves being doctors, judges, or even mayors. You never know the outcome of a person until you see the outcome. Prejudging can stir up a lot of confusion. Some individuals judge others on the color of their skin. In the past, blacks were underestimated for simply being black. If prejudice was never discovered, some blacks will still be alive today. Some police officers prejudge certain guys because of their attire. They think if they see a male individual dressed with baggy jeans, or sagging pants, with caps on, they’re up to something. What ever happen to the pursuit of happiness? It’s really a stereotype. If that is the way they choose to appear, then it shouldn’t be of importance. Personally, I wouldn’t want anyone to.
Proverbs are popularly defined as short expressions of popular wisdom. Efforts to improve on the popular definition have not led to a more precise definition. The wisdom is in the form of a general observation about the world or a bit of advice, sometimes more nearly an attitude toward a situation. See also English proverbs Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 - 9[edit] 80 % of life is showing up. Note: Said by Woody Allen. Meaning: Don't dream it, do it. According to Woody Allen, those who do this are 80 percent of the way to having something good happening to them. Lewis, Carole (2009). Give God a Year & Change Your Life Forever: Improve Every Area of Your Life (Gospel Light Publications ed.). p. 17. ISBN 0830751327. Too much of any thing is good for nothing MEANING: being greedy results to nothing. A[edit] A cheerful wife is the spice of life. Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 20. ISBN 0415160502. A good mind possesses a kingdom. Note: Translated from Latin: Mens bona regnum possidet. Meaning: Material assets are fleeting, but intellectual assets will basically stay with you for the rest of your life. Therefore, intellectual assets are much more worth than material ones. Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 58. ISBN 0415160502. A good name is the best of all treasures. Strauss, Emanuel (1998). Concise Dictionary of European Proverbs (Abbreviated ed.). Routledge. p. 20. ISBN 0415160502. The apple never falls far from the tree. Meaning: Children are in many regards like their parents. Simpson, John (2009). The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs (Illustrated ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 400. ISBN 0199539537. Advice most needed is least heeded. Mieder, Wolfgang (1991). A Dictionary of American Proverbs (Reprint.
<Proverbs are wise sayings. You can find quite a few proverbs in almost all languages. Interestingly, different languages sometimes have proverbs with similar meanings. During a conversation, you may hear proverbs. Sometimes people say entire proverbs to give advice. Sometimes people just say a part of the proverb, probably because they expect you to know the remaining. If you know some of the most common proverbs, you can easily spice up your speech and writing. Proverbs may also help you understand the way native English speakers think about the world. Here is a list of the most common proverbs in English. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” This is said to discourage people from seeking revenge. Somebody may have done something bad to you, but you can’t make that wrong right by doing something equally bad to them. “The pen is mightier than the sword.” This is used to suggest that people who use their words and ideas to transform the world are more successful than people who use weapons. “When in Rome, do as the Romans.” Do what the people around you are doing. While traveling, you might come across people who do things differently than you are used to. Instead of trying to change them, you must act the way they are acting. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” This is used to suggest that people, who complain about something, are more likely to get their problems solved. If you are hesitant to voice your complaints, nobody is going to help you. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Strong people don’t lose heart when they face setbacks. They just work harder. “No man is an island.” This is used to suggest that we all need help from other people. Nobody can live completely independently. “Fortune favors the brave.” People who pursue their goals with courage and conviction are more likely to be successful than people who try to live safely. “People who live.
Essays : Here are many essays meant for the school students and college students who can use these essays for their academic presentations. We offer these essays free of cost to all of our visitors. You, the visitors, need not pay any fee to make use of these essays. The headings of these essays are widely used proverbs in various parts of the world. So, these essays can be treated as explanations for the proverbs. At the same time, you can form your won explanations for each of these proverbs. There is no such permanency in explanations for any of these proverbs. Since proverbs of used for diverse reasons around the world, each one has his / her own style of explaining the proverb of his / her choice. We keep this page updated periodically. You are welcome to share your way of explanations with us by sending them to us. Your contributions will be appropriately acknowledged. But we will not pay any amount to publish your words in our website. Since we offer the content of this website free of cost to our visitors around the globe, we could not pay money to you for your contributions. Our team of experts has done its best to present comprehensive essays. If you need help with your essay writing, just look at this site The following essay writing service Smart Writing Service is available online to provide you with writing custom essays on any topics and subjects. A Bad Journey A Bad Workman Always Blames His Tools. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. - 1 A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. - 2 A boisterous horse needs a boisterous bridle. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket A broken hand works but not a broken heart. A cat has nine lives. A close friend can become a close enemy. A closed mouth catches no flies. A Contented Mind Is A Perpetual Feast. A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs. A courtyard common to all will be.

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