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   Fractions Decimals Integers Exponents Inequalities Percents Square Roots   Find math jobs at the Career Center. We hope your visit to brings you a greater love of mathematics, both for its beauty and its power to help solve everyday problems. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984) Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power in this field. Egrafov, M. If you ask mathematicians what they do, you always get the same answer. They think. They think about difficult and unusual problems. They do not think about ordinary problems: they just write down the answers.       Contact us | Advertising & Sponsorship | Partnership | Link to us © 2000-2016 All rights reserved.     Legal Notices.    Please read our Privacy Policy.  .
Helping Your Child with Homework Homework is an opportunity for your child to practice the skills he/she have been learning in the classroom. Homework also provides an excellent opportunity for parents to spend time with their child and reinforce the belief that education is essential to success in life. Helping with homework doesn’t mean doing the work for your child. It means checking to see that it has been done, helping your child come up with ways to do the work, and encouraging your child’s effort. It is a good time for you to see if your child understands what is being taught in the classroom, and to intervene if he doesn’t. Your child may need some extra help from you or another adult or an older sibling, or some help from his teacher. Here are things you can do to promote homework success: Provide a quiet place for your child to study and work. Make sure that they have the materials to complete the work (paper, pencils, crayons, etc). This place should be free from the noise of the TV or radio and should be well-lit. Make sure your child understands the directions for the task. Read through them with your child and then have them repeat in their own words what they are to accomplish. Praise your child’s efforts. If they get discouraged or frustrated, take a small break and come back to the work when their level of stress has subsided. Talk with your child about what they are learning. Make sure they understand the skills they are being taught and asked to practice at home. Check their work and encourage them to fix their mistakes. More importantly, talk about how they can avoid making that same mistake again. Communicate with your child’s teacher if you feel your child is struggling in a specific area or if you have questions about what your child is learning in the classroom. Math @ Home: a Good Math Resource for Parents Who Want to Help Their Children with.
Welcome to XtraMath! I'm Mr. C. I'm going to help you get better and faster at math. You want to be better and faster at math, don't you? Are you ready to get started? Press the button to start your first activity. Congratulations! You're almost finished with XtraMath for today. I hope you liked it. The last thing you need to do is press the Sign Out button. That's easy! Come back tomorrow so we can do some more math, okay? Welcome back to XtraMath! It's good to see you again. Remember me? I'm Mr. C. Press the button to get started. Hey, that's all for today! Don't forget to click the Sign Out button! Remember, the more you practice the better you will become at math. So come back tomorrow, okay? Welcome back to XtraMath! I'm glad you keep coming back. Because I want you to be good at math. And that takes practice. So let's do it! That's it! It feels good to get better at something. Do you feel like you are getting better at math? Remember to click the Sign Out button and I'll see you next time! Hi again! I'm glad you're back because practicing math is important. From now on I won't talk to you most of the time because you've done XtraMath enough times to know what to do. But that doesn't mean I won't be happy to see you every time. Go ahead and press the button to get started. Welcome back to XtraMath! I haven't seen you in a long time and I missed you! Well, let's do some math, okay? Press the button to start. That's it! Thanks for coming back to XtraMath. Don't make me wait so long to see you again, okay? Bye! We'll start out with a short quiz to find out how well you can answer these addition problems. I'll give you the easiest problems first. Try to remember the answer if you can, otherwise try to figure it out. Don't guess! If you make a mistake or cannot figure out the answer I will show you the right answer so you can type it in. Try to answer as many as you.

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