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chastity essays

On Tuesday, April 29th, more than 100 finalists and their parents packed into the Fleur de Lis Room at the Cardinal Rigali Center for the Respect Life Apostolate's 2014 8th grade Creative Writing Contest. The finalists were chosen from a total of 1,122 students who submitted essays for consideration. This year, thanks to the generosity of the Knights of Columbus, the Respect Life Apostolate was able to award an additional scholarship to the existing four scholarships, bringing the total number of scholarships to five. Five honorable mention candidates also received prizes. The scholarships will go towards part of the student's first-year high school tuition at a Catholic High School within the Archdiocese. The names of the winners are below. Click on a student's name to read their essay. Bishop Edward O'Donnell Scholarship Daniel Reardon, St. Clement of Rome (DeSmet Jesuit High School) Principal – Mrs. Sue Cunningham Pastor – Msgr. James Pieper Mary Forrestal Hennessey Scholarship Dakota Nelsen, St. Gianna Home School Co-op (John Paul II Preparatory School) Director - Katie Giandinoto Pastor – Fr. Timothy Elliott Mr. and Mrs. George Kletzker Scholarship Larissa O'Shea, St. Monica (St. Joseph's Academy) Principal – Mrs. Kathy Hunt Pastor – Msgr. John Brenell Keith Beckmann, St. Cletus (St. Dominic High School) Principal – Ms. Rosann Doherty Pastor – Fr. James Benz Knights of Columbus Missouri State Council Scholarship Hector Rivera, Christ Light of the Nations [Parish: Our Lady of the Rosary] (Chaminade) Principal – Sr. Mary Lawrence Pastor – Fr. Thomas Haley Honorable Mention Students Elise Olwig, St. Gabriel the Archangel School (Nerinx Hall) Daniel Newman, St. Charles Borromeo School (St. Charles West or CBC) Sydney England, St. Paul Fenton School (Cor Jesu Academy) Addison Estes, John Paul II Prep [Parish: St. Alban Roe] (John Paul II Prep) Isabelle Honigfort.
Would it be sensible for someone to stand in the middle of a busy highway? They would be exposing their life to unnecessary danger. The consequences would not be worth the risk. Living the virtue of chastity is a commitment that protects a person from brutal injury on the busy highway of life. Chastity is a unique treasure from God. Sex should be experienced and enjoyed inside the boundaries of marriage. Crossing over those boundaries puts a person in danger of physical, emotional and spiritual pain. God gave us boundaries because He loves us and wants to protect us. He created sex as a fulfillment of His miracle of new life. It allows us to share in His divinity by experiencing the power of creation. Chastity is also a sign of love and respect. It shows love for God by following His commandment. It shows love and respect for a person’s future spouse by waiting to share the special bond of sex with only them. Making the commitment to stay chaste before marriage proves that someone can be trusted to be faithful after marriage. Finally, chastity is a sign of love and respect for yourself, the temple God created. Having sex before marriage never goes without painful consequences, such as dangerous sexually transmitted diseases or an unplanned pregnancy. Staying chaste eliminates the threat of an abortion that kills a child and a part of the person. Every time a person has premarital sex they give away a part of themselves, until eventually there is nothing left to give. Staying chaste is a choice that all young people must make. When they make this choice, they have to realize that they are not just planning their life, they are living it. They must make the right choice the first time. It could save a life, maybe more than one.
Chastity is a virtuous act upon oneself to be fully and completely self giving to God until you marry. Chastity is not very commonly known to the younger crowd. Today it is very common for a fifteen to twenty year old girl to get pregnant. This leads girls and their families into many hard to face decisions. These decisions usually create turmoil and chaos in the families which tears families apart. For Catholics, chastity is so important for us because it does not create conflict or other matters that we do not need to be apart in. It is also very important because it helps us say out of trouble like for instance; adoption, abortion, guilt, ruining your future, or a hurry-up wedding. Chastity also helps us develop friendships, plan our futures and also helps us discover who you are as a person, who God made you out to be.  There are many challenges to staying chase in the modern world. There are many distractions and leeways into becoming something that you are not. These distractions include drugs, alcohol and sex. These things may look nice and helpful, but the end result is always negative no matter how many times you tell yourself it is not. An example of this is a story of a man that I heard not to long ago. He was a nice man who had two wonderful kids, but has never been married. He has gone through some tough times. Really his life is one huge roller coaster that he never gets off.  Instead of turning to God, he turned to drugs, girlfriends, and many more terrible choices. He chose a life of lies, rebellion, and disrespectfulness. There is other kinds of Chastity that people do not know about these include being chase with food or drinking, soberness. These are also very important to remember in our life. Chastity needs to be used more by girls, boys, women, and men all around the world. I believe if this happened that our world would be a better place. There.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith teaches that “homosexual activity prevents one’s own fulfillment and happiness by acting contrary to the creative wisdom of God. The Church, in rejecting erroneous opinions regarding homosexuality, does not limit but rather defends personal freedom and dignity realistically and authentically understood” (Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, 1986, ¶7). When I first began to contemplate the idea of giving up any kind of homosexual relationship, I could not see the call in any terms other than that of the cross. Indeed, I felt (perhaps erroneously, and certainly over-dramatically) that martyrdom would be easier, because at least if you were thrown to the lions, it was over quickly; with celibacy, you had to go without sex for years and years and years. But this is to be expected: because Christ was crucified and laid in the grave before He rose again, Christian discipleship necessarily starts with dying to self. The resurrection to freedom, joy, and love cannot be separated from the crucifixion of the sinful self. In Love and Responsibility, Karol Wojtyła (who became Pope John Paul II) wrote: “Although it is easy to draw up a set of rules for Catholics in the sector of ‘sexual’ morality the need to validate these rules makes itself felt at every step. For the rules often run up against greater difficulties in practice than in theory, and the spiritual advisor, who is concerned above all with the practical, must seek ways of justifying them. For his task is not only to command or forbid, but to justify, to interpret, to explain.” Most Catholics do not know what exactly the Church teaches about human sexuality. And many of those who do know what the Church teaches do not understand why those teachings are true. Therefore, it is important to understand what it is that the.
CHASTITY. Those Works of Ancient and Mediaeval Literature which more particularly concern the Seeker after Truth, concur on one point. The most worthless Grimoires of Black Magic, no less than the highest philosophical flights of the Brotherhood which we name no, insist upon the virtue of Chastity as cardinal to the Gate of Wisdom. Let first be noted this word Virtue, the quality of Manhood, integral with Virility. The Chastity of the Adept of the Rose and Cross, or of the Graal-Knights of Monsalvat, is not other than very opposite to that of which the poet can write.Chastity that slavering sates His lust without the walls, mews, and is gone, Preening himself that his lewd lips relent. Or to that emasculate frigor of Alfred Tennyson and the Academic Schools. The Chastity whose Magical Energy both protects and urges the aspirant to the Sacred Mysteries is quite contrary in its deepest nature to all vulgar ideas of it; for it is, in the first place, a positive passion; in the second, connected only by obscure magical links with the sexual function; and, in the third, the deadliest enemy of every form of bourgeois morality and sentiment. It may assist us to create in our minds a clear concept of this noblest and rarest -- yet most necessary -- of the Virtues, if we draw the distinction between it and one of its ingredients, Purity. Purity is a passive or at least static quality; it connotes the absence of all alien admixture from any given idea; as, pure gallium, pure mathematics, pure race. It is a secondary and derive use of the word which we find in such expressions as pure milk, which imply freedom from contamination. Chastity, per contra, as the etymology (castus, possibly connected with castrum, a fortified camp*) *The root cas means house; and an house is Beth, the letter of Mercury, the Magus of the Tarot. He is not still, in a place of repose, but the.

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