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essay on my favorite place descriptive writing

Subjects Grade Brief Description A simple visualization exercise focuses students on the sensory impressions of a favorite place; the activity helps improve their descriptive writing skills. Objectives Students understand they can write richer and more interesting descriptions if they use all their senses. Keywords writing, descriptions, descriptive writing, visualization, visualize, senses Materials Needed The Lesson In this lesson, students write a descriptive paragraph. They might all write about the same place (for example, a beach, a crowded sports stadium, or a rain forest) or they might each choose a different place to describe. The following activity, which takes about 10 minutes, relaxes students and focuses their attention, as it engages them in visualizing the sights and smells of a particular setting. Following is a process you use might use to help students relax and focus: Tell students you are going to turn out the lights and close the shades. Instruct them to close their eyes and put their heads down on their desks. Tell students to take a deep breath. and another deep breath. Speak slowly, and emphasize slow movements, as you engage them in muscle stretching activities -- for example, scrunching their toes, lifting their feet an inch or two off the floor and slowly wiggling them, slowly stretching the calf muscles of their legs, stretching their fingers out and then slowly closing them to form a fist, turning their heads slowly from side to side. Next -- still speaking slowly and quietly -- tell them they are about to enter a dimly lit elevator. The elevator has plush, deep red carpeting. It is cozy and inviting. Encourage them to look around inside the elevator and appreciate the luxury and soft comfort of their surroundings. Tell them the elevator door is closing and they are traveling down from the tenth floor. Slowly, calmly, quietly drawl out.
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Do you have a favorite place to go—a place with family, good weather, and fun things to do like crabbing? I’m glad I do. New Jersey is my favorite place for many reasons. The first reason is my family. Over half of my family lives in New Jersey. When I visit, my cousins and I laugh and play all day and night. My uncles and aunts take me to the boardwalk where we ride roller coasters. We devour juicy caramel-covered apples and foot-long hot dogs. My family is fun to be with. The second reason for New Jersey being my favorite place is the weather. Instead of being hot and sweaty, it’s always cool and moist. When I think about my visits, I can just feel the crisp fall breeze in my hair. I can just see the white, fluffy winter snow. I can just hear the soft spring trickles of rain splashing on the sidewalks. I can just feel the warm summer sun on my face. The weather is great! The third reason for New Jersey being my favorite place is crabbing. If it’s crab season, we crab. We keep the blue crabs and the snow crabs, and we let the others go. Sometimes we catch crabs on hooks, and sometimes we lower crab cages into the bay. Then we pull them out later. One time my brother caught a crab so big that it got stuck in the crab cage! The crab finally got out, but it hurt one of its legs and broke the cage trying. Poor crab! For all these reasons, New Jersey is my favorite place to go. If you don’t have a favorite place, I think you should search for one. It’s good to visit a favorite place—a place where you can make special memories. By the way, if you crab at your special place, be sure to get a big crab cage.
Only available on StudyMode Read full document → Save to my library My favorite place is the Ken Combs Pier located at the end of Courthouse Road in Gulfport. A structure built for and used by fisherman from all over the area. The pier jets out about four hundred feet into the saline water. Every hundred feet there are cabanas built to the left and right. Aqua colored tin roofs cover these additions and shade the wooden benches built onto the pier. It ends in a T formation and has additional benches for sitting and tables to clean your fish on. But to me the pier is more then a place to ensnare a fish. Sometimes I find companionship. People of different races, diverse backgrounds, and various ages mingle together on a pier; the barriers that normally separate us are torn away. It also provides a place for solitude, allowing me to converse with nature, write a story, or read a book. Some look at the pier as just a structure used by fisherman, but actually, it offers more than the eye can see. As I step onto it my senses come alive. I can feel the sultry sun touching me, warming my air-conditioned skin till the ocean breeze diminishes the sweltering heat. Then the pungent odor of dead fish tingles my nostrils, the smell lessened by the salty air. Penetrating my ears are the sounds of birds calling to each other overhead and the waters softly lapping the pilings below. The mixture of nature and human contact nurtures my soul, providing a tranquility that I can find nowhere else. This is why a public fishing pier is my favorite place to be. Read full document Please sign up to read full document. hostname : , essaysImgCdnUrl : \/\/\/pi\/ , useDefaultThumbs :true, defaultThumbImgs :[ \/\/\/stm\/images\/placeholders\/default_paper_1.png .
I would really love to visit Coney Island again. The place is far from the bustling city and getting there is already part of the adventure. One can take the tunnel or drive but whichever way you take when one arrives in the island, it’s like being transported in time. There is that feeling of de`javu one gets when you see the heart of the island for the first time. Maybe it is because of the old films that featured the amusement parks or because as a young child you have had countless dreams of coming here. The place is filled with old buildings and structures that remind us of how our parents and grandparents might have enjoyed the Thunderbolt and the mermaid shows and the parachute drop and all the other parks when they where younger. The merry-go-round, which has been the logo of the island, has been embedded in the minds of my generation. One cannot fail to notice the romance in the air and the sweet butterfly kisses of past and present lovers who had spent a memorable day in the ride. The air is filled with childish adventure and laughter, that when one is walking the streets one would surely smile and be filled with joy. The place is like a giant playground without the technologically advanced rides and shows of today’s theme parks. It offers pure delight and tons of fun. It is a place where everyone is invited to enjoy the sights and sounds of the place and be like children once again discover how easier it is to smile and throw our miseries away. The whole island is an amusement park with candy stores, taverns, night shows and a magnificent boardwalk. The chatter of children’s voices, the happy shrieks of teens, and the smiles of everyone tells one why this place was and will always be America’s happy park. The smell of popcorn and hotdog as one walks the streets to the parks reminds us of simple days when our wants and desires were simpler. The people are.

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