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free outsourcing jobs essays

Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! OUTSOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS In this paper, my main aim is to describe the impact of the outsourcing of American jobs to overseas. Addressing this issue is especially critically, because there are almost two schools of thought: one that believes on the usefulness and benefits of the outsourcing and the other that vehemently oppose outsourcing and focus on its negativity. For example, several policy makers and government agencies believe that outsourcing may reduce the cost of the manufacturing of products and provide services at cheaper prices, however, other believe that outsourcing has contributed massive lay-offs of American workers from their jobs. In reality, both of the views are partially correct, because outsourcing of jobs may have both positive and negative effects on our economy and society. Therefore, one needs to focus on both sides. For example, countless activities such as transcription of medical records, completion of tax forms, and software programming, when done overseas provide the advantages of completive priced products and services (Goldsmith, 2003). Besides when these basic activities are being done overseas, they provide the companies to focus on their core competencies. In addition, outsourcing of mundane and routine activities overseas allows companies to innovate and bring new products and services quickly. The other positive effects of outsourcing can be seen at a global level. By outsourcing several jobs in developing countries and third-world countries, the developed country like America provides people around the globe employment and wages. Also, many of the products and services that are no longer considered critical in American markets can be sold at third world countries at cheaper prices. However, all of the effects of the outsourcing have not been the positive. The outsourcing of the jobs.
Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword:   Sort By:   Your search returned over 400 essays for jobs 1  2  3  4  5    Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating   After School Jobs and Time Management - Did you know that more than half of the United States twelfth graders average twenty or more hours of work per week. Some people say that these after school jobs are beneficial because they give students a sense of responsibility, independence, and time management. As these are all great things to practice, in preparation for real life. However, they can cut into essential schoolwork, family, and personal time. Minor inconveniences such as missing a loved one’s birthday for work can cause great uproar within a family, and working too much can have a negative effect on a student's academic standing.   [tags: students, jobs,] 548 words(1.6 pages) Unrated Essays [preview] Job Expectations and Popular Jobs - Job expectations have changed throughout the last 40 years. Research was done in order to see the differences in those expectations and compare them by looking at the expectations now and then. This is relevant because we can see the popular jobs of today and get incite into why those jobs are so popular. Is it a norm of society and that’s why they are changing, or is just the demand for different jobs effecting what people choose are their career. This can be answered by looking at the results of the analysis.   [tags: Expectations, Popularity, Jobs, career, ] 817 words(2.3 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Negative Impact of Low Wage Jobs - What if one had to work long hours, with countless hours of no sleep, a stress level that was skyrocketing, earning money.
Image Credit: Hoang P., Rochester, NY      When I look at America the first word that comes to my mind is confused. We always want to look like the hero and we always have to be the one to destroy and rebuild. We always have to save starving third-world countries. We always have to get involved in other people’s business. We also want a strong country full of healthy, hard-working Americans. How can we do all our own problems? We need to stop being concerned with everyone else’s problems and concentrate on our own. One concern affecting many Americans is outsourcing.Outsourcing is when companies turn to overseas labor for payroll processing and management. Their goal is higher profits at lower costs, which may be good for them, but it hurts our workers. Many here have lost jobs to workers in India and China since they get paid 16 times less than Americans. As a result, many are finding themselves jobless here at home. Now many people are barely surviving on unemployment benefits, and college graduates are finding it harder to land well-paying jobs. Minimum wage jobs just don’t cut it these days.Politics are a big part of this problem. In the recent election, both candidates tried to promise more jobs to Americans. How can they do that if so many jobs are going overseas? Our leaders need to pass a bill to make outsourcing illegal, or at least more difficult. Other countries need to find jobs for their people. Overall, we need to stop outsourcing to help our qualified workers. We need to stop outsourcing now before it gets out of hand and a majority of people cannot find work.
Published: 23, March 2015 Outsourcing has provided growth to United States corporations and has allowed these corporations to reduce costs and compete more successfully in the global markets. Corporations are saving billions of dollars by replacing American employment with outsourcing to foreign countries at a much lower wages. In the meantime, workers who once made a middle-class living are now being forced to find different types of employment, and live with less money in their wallets. In the twenty-first century, the debate on outsourcing white-collar jobs to low-wage developing countries has picked up significantly. The general assumption is that jobs, money, skills, and experience are being exported to foreign countries, while the American people are losing jobs, money, skills and experience. America's economic future is at risk due to jobs being outsourced to other countries. What is outsourcing? As simple as this question might seem, most people do not truly know and use assumption to what outsourcing means. When the average person hears the word outsourcing, it is presumed that an American company is outsourcing an American job to a foreign country. This is not necessarily true; outsourcing simply means a company that contracts with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees, regardless if it is being done by a company in the same country, or outside of the company's country. Words that are commonly used in place of outsourcing are sub-contracting, flexible staff, employee leasing, and offshore. This report is focusing on offshore outsourcing. (Johnson, 1999) What is offshore outsourcing? Offshore outsourcing is when a company contracts with another company or person overseas to provide services that could be performed by in-house employees. Although offshore outsourcing is very close to the same implication.
Simply enter your paper topic to get started! America - Outsourcing Jobs to Foreign Countries 7 Pages 1778 Words November 2014 Saved essays Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly! Topics in this paper Popular topics Abstract International business is required for a company to be most profitable. However manufacturing should be brought back to the U.S. Manufacturing overseas reduces job availability in the U.S. It also slows down American economy. It's most profitable for the company, but detrimental to the U.S as a whole. Companies are drawn to outsourcing because it's cheap labor. They cut costs of production, with little to no quality difference. Outsourcing is a competitive advantage, but at what cost? Unemployment rates increase and the American economy suffers. Introduction There are many different and unique views on outsourcing as to whether it benefits or hurts the United States. International business is required for a company to be most profitable (Kakumanu, 2006). However manufacturing needs to be returned back to the U.S. Outsourcing manufacturing isn't something new. It's been around since the industrial revolution, but recently has become a very popular practice. Outsourcing is defined as having work performed by an external organization that was formerly done inside the organization (Beaumont, 2004). Outsourcing can range from a partnership to out-tasking. Out-tasking is where a company hires another to do something specifically. Company A hires Company B to do a task. Company B has no input because Company A retains full control over the operation. In a partnership Company B has input. A partnership between companies implies that both companies are of equal importance, and maintains equal control over the operation. Of course there are other ways of outsourcing. Smart sourcing is strategic outsourcing. Business process outsourcing is.
Outsourcing is the act of contracting your part of work for a lower price to another vendor. This is usually done to cut on costs and improve revenues. Most companies outsource their work to third-world economies where labor is cheap and resources are abundant. It is often done by the bigger companies by transferring their workload to free-lancers and demanding a higher price for the project because of their developed image. However the word outsourcing can have different meaning for different people. If an area lost jobs because the company outsourced its project to some low-paid economy then these people will have a bad view for outsourcing. And the people who received jobs because of this act will always consider outsourcing a positive term. For a company outsourcing is a way risky step to take. In a way because there is always a possibility of losing managerial control over the outsourced department or project. Despite of the signed contract the managerial actions and decisions will still be performed by an outsider and it is a huge risk. The contract is always prepared by the other company so you are at disadvantage here as well. Any additional work that may come up during the project and is not mentioned in the contract will cost you additional charges. It will not be your own department who works for the company but will be an outsourcing company who are interested in their money. Not only that, but the biggest issue is business confidentiality. As you will have to give the private information to the new company or freelancer you have hired. This information can be very secretive and may be misused by the other end. It gets difficult when you are dealing with the other party for the first time. To be on the safe side it is advisable to include as much details in the contract as you can in case anything goes wrong you have your securities written and signed.

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