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guitar essay

Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword:   Sort By:   Your search returned over 400 essays for guitars 1  2  3  4  5    Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating   The Evolution of Guitars -. It was made from 1580-1600. This was also made in Europe. This guitar had ten strings. The next guitar was similar and was made by Matteo Sellas in 1614. He worked in Italy creating guitars. In 1627, the Chittara Battente was made by Giorgio Sellas. This was made in Italy. This guitar started containing metal on the frets and on the strings. Fourteen years later in 1641, René Voboam built a guitar. He built this guitar in Paris, France. The body of this guitar was made out of ebony and bone inlays.   [tags: music, instruments, history] :: 5 Works Cited 1442 words(4.1 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Physics of Guitars - Almost everybody can appreciate guitars. Guitars are at the forefront of music as the centerpiece of most bands. Guitars are a highly versatile instrument capable of playing full 6 note chords, unlike most instruments. As much as music depends on guitars, guitars also depend on physics. Without understanding the properties sound, guitars wouldn’t be possible. Guitars use the principles of acoustics to produce the sound you hear. Acoustic guitars and electric guitars produce sound in two different ways.   [tags: physics guitar] :: 1 Works Cited :: 1 Sources Cited :: 2 Sources Consulted 2349 words(6.7 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Physics of Electric Guitars - Electric guitars play a very important role in today's music. Without it, we would be stuck with the acoustic guitar, which has limited volume, and a narrow range of sounds it can produce.
Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! The Guitar The Guitar The guitar is an instrument that was first seen to show up in 1800-1900 B.C. Clay pots with pictures of priests wielding instruments with a very strong resemblance to a guitar were found in the ancient near east. The guitar is one of man’s oldest and most symbolic instruments. The guitar, in the opinion of many, is a major building block in music. The guitar is a major connector in the lego set that is music. When playing guitar the music should be built through feeling not through thinking. When truly playing the guitar it should be felt as an extension of the arm. When constructing a melody on a guitar it should come second nature, just as your heart beats or breathing in and out. The fingers should be a fine tuned machine; the final piece in building the song and finishing the product. Playing the guitar should be a feeling not a thought; it should be an extension of the arm. A guitar is an instrument that takes opposites pieces and plasters them together into a certain harmony. A guitar’s strings are E, A, D, G, B, and E; from these 6 different notes over 10,000 different noisy combinations can be made, yet they can be put together to make a pure sound. Playing the guitar is an architectural form that takes nothing and makes something. In another light, guitar is taking complete chaos and turning it to organization; much like how different blocks are thrown on the floor, get picked up and placed into a certain location, and a certain figure is erected from the mess. The guitar truly takes chaos and noise and molds it into a melody. A guitar is an object that cannot be used negatively (unless you’re a pro wrestler). All a guitar does is erect pure sounds, free from prejudices and discriminations. People claim music causes people to do drastic things; I think it’s people that cause people to do something.
Essays   Freddie Green Comping The basics of 4-to-the-bar swing rhythm guitar. Copyrights for the Working Musician An overview of how copyrights work:  who gets paid, when they get paid, who has to pay, and how the money is paid. The Orchestral Guitarist Orchestral work is often overlooked by guitarists, even though it is challenging and interesting work that pays well.  This essay is a discussion of orchestral guitar playing, including what skills are needed, how to get the gig, and how to keep it. Reading Music How do you get a guitar player to turn down?  Put music in front of him.  Let's reverse this trend among guitarists and all start reading music.  This overview of reading music can help improve reading skills. Mastery  What does it mean to become a master of the guitar? Developing Your Ears A suggestion for developing those giant ears that all good musicians need. Tuning the Guitar Getting your guitar in tune seems like it should be simple, but for some reason it isn't.  Here are some suggestions for tuning. Stage Fright A tip for overcoming stage fright. Tip from David Russell A tip from a private lesson with David Russell.  Doc Severinsen What we can learn from a master musician. Musician/Guitarist What is the difference between a musician and a guitarist? Stage Fright II Another tip for overcoming stage fright. A Week in the Life Orchestral guitar work is both satisfying and demanding.  (Pays pretty well too.)  Here is a view of a week in the life of an orchestral guitarist. In the Studio Things to consider as you head into the studio to make a recording. Feedback is Good Feedback is not always a bad thing. Prevent Hearing Damage Don't let your ears get ruined.  Learn about musician's earplugs and how they can prevent hearing damage from regular exposure to loud music. Comping:  Keep it Simple Comping only seems complex.  Simplicity is one of the keys to.
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Luan Breva (left) and Paco de Lucena (right) Top flamenco guitarists, circa 1880. Paco de Lucía, a modern flamenco guitarist The guitar is a string instrument which is played by plucking the strings. The main parts of a guitar are the body, the fretboard, the headstock and the strings. Guitars are usually made from wood or plastic. Their strings are made of steel or nylon. The guitar strings are plucked with the fingers and fingernails of the right hand (or left hand, for left handed players), or a small pick made of thin plastic. This type of pick is called a plectrum or guitar pick. The left hand holds the neck of the guitar while the fingers pluck the strings. Different finger positions on the fretboard make different notes. Guitar-like plucked string instruments have been used for many years. In many countries and at many different time periods, guitars and other plucked string instruments have been very popular, because they are light to carry from place to place, they are easier to learn to play than many other instruments. Guitars are used for many types of music, from Classical to Rock. Most pieces of popular music that have been written since the 1950s are written with guitars. There are many different types of guitars, classified on how they are made and the type of music they are used for. All traditional types of guitar have a body which is hollow. This makes the sound of the strings louder, and gives the guitar its quality. This type of guitar is called acoustic. (An acoustic instrument is one that makes its own dynamics.) From the 1930s, people started making and playing guitars that used electricity and amplifiers to control the loudness. These guitars, which are often used in popular music, are called electric guitars. They do not need to have a hollow body. This is because they do not use acoustics to amplify the sound. Most guitars have six.

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