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child abuse research paper ideas

1 - Well-Supported by Research Evidence2 - Supported by Research Evidence3 - Promising Research Evidence4 - Evidence Fails to Demonstrate EffectNR - Not able to be Rated Definition for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs is defined by the CEBC as programs targeted at individuals or families which are at a high risk for maltreatment with a goal of preventing abuse or neglect from occurring. These programs may offer activities targeted to families that have one or more risk factors, including families with substance abuse or domestic violence issues, teenage parents, parents of special needs children, single parents, and low-income families. Services may include parent education and training for high-risk parents, respite care, and home visiting programs. Target population: Families at high risk for abuse or neglect Services/types that fit: Services include assessment, case planning, case management, education, skill building, and/or service delivery to address risk factors for maltreatment Delivered by: Child welfare workers, mental health professionals, or trained paraprofessionals In order to be included: Program must specifically target the prevention of abuse and/or neglect in high-risk families In order to be rated: There must be research evidence (as specified by Scientific Rating Scale) that examines maltreatment-related outcomes, such as abuse and neglect reports and abuse-related parenting behaviors, either observed or self-reported The Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (Secondary) Programs topic area was added to this website in 2007. Every two years, a research-focused literature review is conducted on each rated program in this topic area. The date of the last research review is located on the bottom of each program page. Why is the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Abortion Abstinence Acid rain Adoption of children by single parents Adoption of interracial children Affirmative action Aged Aged, Abuse of AIDS (Disease) AIDS: Global response AIDS/HIV testing Air bags Air pollution Alcoholism Alternative energy sources Alternative medicine American foreign policy Americans with Disabilities Act Animal rights Anorexia nervosa Anthrax Anti-Semitism Antitrust law Apartheid Arab/Israel conflict Artificial insemination, Human Asia's economic crisis Assisted suicide Auto repair racket Bioethics Biological diversity Biological warfare Bioterrorism Birth control Bilingual education Body piercing Bosnia Bribery Budget surplus allocation Bulimia (Eating binges) Campaign finance Capital punishment Carcinogens Censorship Census sampling Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Chemical warfare Child abuse Child care Child labor Child pornography Children's television Civil rights Cloning College tuition costs Computer crime Constitutional reform Copyright Corporal punishment Corruption Creationism Credit card fraud Criminal justice system Cryonics Cults Date rape Date rape drugs Death and dying Death penalty Deep ecology Depression Digital television Dinosaurs Disarmament Divorce Domestic violence Draft, Military Dropouts Drug addiction Drug, Legalization Drug testing Drunk driving Eating disorders Ebonics Ecology Education standards Electric utility deregulation Electronic privacy Embryo transplantation Emotional quotient (EQ) Endangered oceans Endangered Species Act Energy efficient cars Entrapment Environmental cancer Epidemics Equal pay for equal work Equal Rights Amendment ESP (Extrasensory perception) Estrogen Ethics Euro (Single European currency) Euthanasia (Mercy killing) Evolution Executive pay Extremist groups Factory farming False memory syndrome Family Federal budget Federal Reserve System Feminism Fertilization in vitro, Human Fetal.
Adolescent Relationship Violence (Teen Dating Violence) 1 is 2 ManyThis initiative, launched by Vice President Joe Biden, focuses on sexual assault and dating violence regarding women ages 16-24. The campaign targets the importance of changing attitudes that lead to violence and educating the public on realities of abuse. Break the CycleBreak the Cycle is a leading, national nonprofit organization addressing teen dating violence. Break the Cycle's mission is to engage, educate, and empower youth to build lives and communities free from interpersonal violence. Love is Respect - National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline This website offers the national teen dating abuse helpline and resources for teens, parents, and concerned adults. That's Not Cool This website is a great tool to use when talking to young people about dating violence. It provides information on, and advice about, the various ways technology can be used in harassment and/or dating violence. There are videos, blog posts, and spaces for young people to talk about issues that impact them in relation to dating violence. VAWnet: Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence This collection emphasizes collaborative and multi-level approaches to the prevention of and response to teen dating violence (TDV). It draws on the work of many organizations and organizes the resources on TDV prevention and responses by different populations. The first section of this special collection provides general information about teen dating violence. The next six sections include TDV information related to: 1) young people; 2) parents and care takers; 3) men and boys; 4) teachers and school-based professionals; 5) health care professionals; and 6) domestic violence and sexual violence service providers. The final section presents documents on TDV-related laws and legislation. The collection concludes with examples of national.

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