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essay for family values

Enter Your Search Terms to Get Started! Family values and relationships Family values and relationships The word family is one of the greatest words in the world. The family is the building block of the community and if it is happy and effective the whole community becomes so. As Euipides stated “ Blood’s thicker tan water, and when one’s in trouble Best to seek out a relative’s open arms”. Even though we might disagree with our families or parents or brothers, they are still the best to support you and back you in life. I remember when I was in school how my brother was always there for me and always protected me if I needed and that is the best thing in the world. There are always places and times when you need some one to back you up and protect your back and there is no one better than the brother. In the story “Sonny’s blues” it is clear how sonny needed his older brother and how the older brother felt toward his younger brother. In the real life the role of the older brother is always important especially to his parents and younger brothers. When my younger brother was in high school with me I felt that I have some responsibilities toward him like watching after him and make sure he doesn’t have any problems with the other boys. It was not like something annoying for him but it was reasonable in way that he felt protected. For example if Sonny had his brother to his side from the beginning he wouldn’t have to go through all the bad things he did. One of the important persons in the life of any one of us is the father. He also plays an important role in the family since he is the first person responsible for the family members. He has to provide the best possible life to them and a lot of unhappy families break because the father left the family or didn’t do his duty, as he should. For example as the children grow up they need their father to be near them and.
Values those are most important to me. Values are something that is important in life. Values can’t be exchanged in any way or form. Everyone has something that they value and of course that includes me as well. A value is something that a specific person or groups respects and affectively regards it as something important in their life. An example would be my values, I, personally, have many values. Some of my most important values consist of my family, my ethnicity and my memories. Something that I value the most would be my family. Family means a lot for me because no matter what happens, my family would always be there for me. Life would be really different if I didn’t have the family that I have now. In my family, I am taught that no matter what difficulties I have to face, my family would always be there and support me. They taught me many things about life that I would take with me for the rest of my life. No matter how many good friends you have, they will never be there for you forever, but family will always be there for you. Not everyone has a perfect family; therefore, I must appreciate what I have now because not everyone is as lucky as me to have a family that cares for each other through out all the different circumstances. Another very important value of mine would be my ethnicity. Ethnicity is very important for it describes me. Due to the fact that I am born Asian American, I was brought up to what I am today. It is very stereotypical where people think that Asians are smart people and because of this belief, there is always the pressure of being smart. My parents didn’t have an education like me, for my mom didn’t stopped attending school and for that reason, she wants me to have a good future. Therefore, she would always tell me to work hard and that school is very important. This is another reason why I value my family as well; it is because they.
While the free essays can give you inspiration for writing, they cannot be used 'as is' because they will not meet your assignment's requirements. If you are in a time crunch, then you need a custom written term paper on your subject (family values) Here you can hire an independent writer/researcher to custom write you an authentic essay to your specifications that will pass any plagiarism test (e.g. Turnitin). Waste no more time! Family ValuesFamily Values Throughout the history of mankind, family structure, values and qualities were fairly well remained. However, in today s society, due to lack of religion and morality among other.When raising a child one is taught values by their families that they feel are important for their child to have. I believe that family values consist of certain actions and qualities that are important to a family to uphold. Values that are important in my family are honesty, trust and to have respect for others. Each of these values is equally important in my family. They played a big role into making me the person I am now. family valuesThroughout the history of mankind, family structure, values and qualities were fairly well remained. However, in today’s society, due to lack of religion and morality among other things, the family.Growing up in my family taught me that honesty is the best policy. When I would get into trouble as a child I would often try to lie to my mom thinking that would save me from being punished. I soon learned that lying would only get me into more trouble than I was already. Honesty has given me the reputation of being a good friend. One can always rely on me to let them know what they are doing Family ValuesThroughout the history of mankind, family structure, values and qualities were fairly well remained. However, in today’s society, due to lack of religion and morality among other things, the family.
This is an IELTS family values essay, centered around the belief that families are not as close as in the past. If you look at the question carefully, you will see that there are two tasks. Firstly, you have to explain why (give reasons) families are not so close. The second task is to state whether you think this more of a negative or positive trend. So this essay is a mix of causes, advantages and disadvantages. Be careful in noting that it is partly as opinion essay as you have to give your opinion as to whether the advantages outweigh (i.e. more advantages) the disadvantages. Take a look at the question and the model answer: _______________________________________________   IELTS Family Values Essay You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. Why is this happening? Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the drawbacks? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. You should write at least 250 words. Family Values Essay Model Answer There has been a trend over recent decades for families to become less close than they were in the past and this situation is largely accepted in society. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and examine the benefits and drawbacks of this development. One of the first reasons for a decline in the closeness of families is connected to the busy lifestyles that we now lead. Most people are having to work longer hours and often both parents work, so they simply do not have as much time to spend with each other as they did in the past. Another factor is the materialistic and consumer driven culture we now live in, which has led to less value being placed on family.
Editor's Note: Last week my daughter, Moriah Mosher, who is 18 years old, traveled to Rhodes, Greece, where she addressed the Rhodes Youth Forum on the subject of “Traditional Family Values.” The Forum is an annual meeting of young people from all over the world who are devoted to the search for the common good. My daughter told the group that the common good is to be found not in the discovery of new principles for living, but in the rediscovery of God-given truths about the importance of faith, life and family. She is right, of course. Steven W. Mosher Good afternoon, everyone! I want to thank the organizers of this Forum for giving us this opportunity to meet here and discuss the future. I think it is important and I'm very excited to be here. My topic today is traditional family values. Now I must admit I had a little problem in writing this talk. Values are, as we say in the United States, “caught rather than taught.” So it's hard to put some of these values into words. But I'll do my best! If you have watched a Hollywood movie lately, as I'm sure most of you have, you probably think that Americans don't have any “traditional family values.” You may think that in America commitment means going on a second date. You may think that every couple in the U.S. lives together. You may think that those few who do get married, quickly get divorced. You may think that most American children are born into broken homes. You may think that most young people are too busy demonstrating against Wall Street to worry about getting an education, or a job. These may be scenes out of a Hollywood movie, but this is not America. This is not the America that I, and tens of millions of people like me, know. In this other America — the one you don't hear much about — parents do teach their children traditional family values. Just like my parents taught me. So what was it like growing up.

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