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homer's odyssey thesis

SUMMARY: Your thesis needs to address your question directly, set the reader’s expectations for your paper, and provide a debatable claim. LINKS: Writing a thesis is one of the most difficult parts of writing a paper. The thesis, which is one or two sentences, belongs at the end of the introductory paragraph. It is important to draft a thesis at this point to bring all of your research together to answer the original writing prompt in a concise way. Writing a thesis is a tall order, but we’re here to help! A thesis needs to: Directly answer the question you were given by being specific. Set the reader’s expectations for what you’ll be covering. Provide a debatable claim and support it with evidence. We’ll break each one down for you: Directly answer the question you were given by being specific Example prompt 1: Explain how the Greek ideal is represented and described in The Odyssey. Thesis before: Homer’s Odyssey is a well known Greek work–the cornerstone of classic Greek literature. That’s great, but what does it say about how ‘the Greek ideal is represented’ in the text? Try a thesis that answers the question squarely. You want to knock it out of the park: Thesis after: Homer’s Odyssey depicts the ideal Greek as a reverent, loyal, and confident person–as seen in Odysseus’ relationships with the gods, his wife, and his son Telemachus. Example prompt 2: Describe how symbols in Jane Eyre dramatize the tension in Jane and Rochester’s relationship. Thesis before: A pioneering author of her time, Charlotte Brontë uses a variety of different techniques in Jane Eyre that add to and heighten the escalating drama in the book’s eloquent and distinguished prose. Among these varied and delicate techniques is symbolism, a most exemplary and astonishing literary method. What? This thesis sounds impressive since it contains lots of words and fancy clauses, but most of it is.
Search Results Free Essays Unrated Essays Better Essays Stronger Essays Powerful Essays Term Papers Research Papers Search by keyword:   Sort By:   Your search returned over 400 essays for odyssey 1  2  3  4  5    Next >> These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or essay length. Title Length Color Rating   The Amazing Leadership of Odysseus in Homer's The Odyssey - The epic poem The Odyssey by the ancient Greek writer Homer takes us deep into the life of a man called Odysseus. As the reader gets to know Odysseus many sides of his character are exposed through the challenges he faces. Though he and his crew face danger and obstacles every step of the way Odysseus’s character hardly changes. The entire book Odysseus longs to see his wife but he is a good man and a courageous leader. When the times get tough, the tough gets going and that’s exactly what Odysseus did when the Trojan War started.   [tags: The Odyssey] 752 words(2.1 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Unheroic Traits of Odysseus in Homer's The Odyssey - A true hero will go through immeasurable lengths to benefit not him or herself, but the people around them. Heroes are neither selfish nor uncaring. They seek every opportunity they get to help those in need. One must have also gone through the entire hero’s journey to be deemed a hero. He must start off naïve and inept and through his challenges, transform into someone worth calling a hero. Most importantly, a hero is not perfect. He must listen to other’s ideas and utilize them. However, in The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus disrespects his crew men and the gods’ advice, lets hubris interfere with his men’s lives, and is unfaithful to his wife Penelope.   [tags: odyssey] 735 words(2.1 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Odyssey - The Odyssey details Odysseus’ arduous return to his homeland. Ten.
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