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i hate essays with a passion

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Love, Hate, and Passion in Romeo and Juliet. This section contains 890 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) Love, Hate, and Passion in Romeo and Juliet Summary: Essay provides a look at how love, hate, and passion play major roles in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Would you be willing to kill yourself in the name of love? Well, in this Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are more than willing to do so. Many people read the story and wonder how exactly they ended up dead. Well, throughout the story, love, hate and passion play a key-role in the sequence of events that lead to their suicidal acts. Love is shown and portrayed many times throughout Romeo and Juliet. First of all, Mercutio has a strong love for Romeo. Mercutio and Romeo act and treat each other like brothers. Secondly, the nurse and Juliet share a strong, family-like, love for each other also. The nurse has raised Juliet since she was born and feels like a mother to her. Also, the nurse acts like Juliet's best friend, Juliet shares everything with the nurse and the nurse always jokes around with her. (read more) This section contains 890 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) Copyrights Love, Hate, and Passion in Romeo and Juliet from BookRags. (c)2016 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved.
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 Download   Print Essay Since the emergence of reason That the dualism between passion and reason is simplistic is demonstrated by the fact that within the realm of passions there are obviously countless variations and degrees of manifestation that in themselves posit nested antagonisms and oppositions. For example, love and hatred. Both are considered emotions, but love is creative and constructive, whereas hatred is destructive. I'm not just talking of the opposites of good and bad. This is a moral judgment and I'm trying to abstract from morality in this discussion and look at the nature of mind in a more objective, metaphysical manner. I do not mean to say that love is good and hatred is bad. This is a naïve realism that I don't advocate at all. Stepping outside the boundary of morality, what is the nature of love and hatred? First of all, we have to understand that both emotions cannot be conceived and experienced by themselves but only in relation to each other. There are two kinds of relations between opposing emotions. The positive relation is one of sublation (to use Hegel's term) or canceling each other out in a higher unity out of which both emotions emerge in our mind. The negative relation is one of negative determination. For example, love is everything that hatred is not. We can determine love's qualities by limiting it from other emotions, what is called intension in logic, or by the special difference (see Aristotle's differentia specifica). It is important to understand that love has the qualities it has only because of its opposite, hate, and hate is only the opposite of love because we know what love is. We cannot experience love without the notion of hate. Both emotions are determined through each other, as an absolute negation of each other. Emotions, therefore, are their own negations, are existentially absurd and irrational. This irrational.
During my college application season, the adults around me (in addition to books like 50 Successful Harvard Application Essays, which I would not recommend reading) gave a lot of advice that sounded like this: “Show the admissions committee who you are!”, “Be passionate!”, “Don’t worry so much! You’ll be happy wherever you end up!”, and so on. Okay—I mean, these tips certainly make a lot of sense in hindsight, but they didn’t help me at all when I was actually writing my essays. If you are applying to college now, you probably know what I mean. I remember being extremely stressed out by cutthroat competition and judgment from high-achieving peers. I did not have a unifying passion, just a handful of scattered interests, a strong work ethic, and a busy life (kind of like now, ha). When I expressed concerns about my essays, my parents literally said to me, “your SAT score is high and you are a good writer so you will probably be fine.” Man, I love my parents, but this was neither helpful nor encouraging1. In lieu of repeating clichés or telling you that you will probably be fine, I'll say a few concrete things about my essays. These facts about my essays are not advice, or even guidelines. I can only tell you what I did; your mileage may vary. I will also try to offer general advice. I hope some of it is helpful. Read this first. Okay. Here we go. My essays were important. My essays were not related to my “stats.” You have your GPA, your SAT/ACT scores, etc.—you can’t do anything about those, so please try not to worry about them (i.e. promise me that you will stay off of College Confidential). Also, and this really goes without saying: if you feel that you have to misrepresent the truth dramatically in order to convince an admissions committee that you are a good fit for their school, you should reevaluate your approach2. A big variable that still remains under your.
Every year it's the same. London Fashion Week comes around, the papers are full of it, the magazines are beside themselves, the television news crews go along for the ride — and over here, in my truculent small corner, my stomach curdles for seven straight days.I hate fashion. I hate everything about it and everyone involved in it; I hate the industry, the hype, the smell and the look of it. Above all, I hate the millions of otherwise sentient women who are suckered into it.This is not, I should point out, a loathing based entirely on ignorance. I am, for my sins, a graduate of the London College of Fashion.My mother thought - correctly, as it would turn out - that its course in fashion journalism might be a stepping stone towards Fleet Street; she also thought - incorrectly, as it would turn out - that I would love it.Scroll down for more.All I really learnt during my studies was that, cutting-edge as it likes to appear, the world of fashion is actually a throwback to the frankly feudal. The kings and queens are, of course, the designers to whom everybody kowtows as they conspire to come up with outfits that conform to only one rule: they can look like anything at all, no matter how ghastly, as long as they don't look like last year's.Thus, built-in obsolescence reaches new sophistication; you don't need to ensure that your new product breaks within 12 months, only that it will be thrown out regardless. It is, by the way, the designers who are responsible for the trend towards emaciation for which stick-thin models wrongly carry the can.They know that even (or especially) the most hideous of their frocks will drape better over the bony than the porky. The girl models starve just to get the work.Fluttering around this royalty are the courtiers, a dreadful gaggle of photographers, fashion editors and assorted 'stylists', each obsessed with their pecking order in this.
Money is a very powerful thing, it builds empires and breaks down kingdoms, it allows for dreams to come true and it takes others away, it makes some people happy and others completely miserable. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness, many will argue that money = happiness. However, this is inherently problematic as this mindset leads many people to stray down a path that doesn’t best suit them. When people choose their careers, they are sometimes blinded by money and so choose to follow the paper trail. Although money is great and can buy us all the things that will temporarily make us happy, no amount of money can buy time. Time is our most valuable asset and it is something, that while on this earth, we should spend most wisely. You shouldn’t feel like you’re mindlessly wasting your life away This generation is particularly in trouble because jobs are scarce and many of us will be stuck doing jobs we hate just because we need money. Although this may be the right move for our careers now, this shouldn’t be something we do for the rest of our lives. it is best we search for something we are passionate about. Here are the 10 reasons why you should follow your passion and not the money. Working for money may seem like good enough motivation for one to keep at their career Every morning Monday through Friday you go to work 9 to 5 sitting their punching away the hours stressing about the work at hand. This is not a way to enjoy your life. Working for 8 hours a day 5 times a week at something that makes you miserable is not the way you live life to the fullest. Many people who choose careers that don’t make them happy will tell you that they would all do it differently if they had the chance. You only have one life, so don’t waste it working somewhere you hate just because of the money. You’re more passionate about the work you.

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