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sample essays on environmental issues

Essay on Water Quality and Environmental Health In the modern world the problem of the reliable water supply is extremely important because the water resources are widely exploited and water is used in different fields of human activities. In fact, the life of human beings is impossible without water but nowadays water is used not only simply to provide people with the essential substance they consume to survive but it is also widely used in agriculture and different industries. As a result, the water, being widely used, is naturally deteriorating in quality and decreasing in quantity because the water used in agriculture and industries is often impossible to recycle or filter to make it drinkable. In such a situation, the problem of scarcity of water as the vitally important product seems to be quite real. Continue reading Essay on Solid Waste Management and Environmental Health The problem of the effective solid waste management is very important nowadays and the solution of this problem is necessary not only to the safety of human environment but to human health as well. At the same time, it is necessary to underline that often a little attention is paid to this problem and the solid waste are often disposed improperly. What is more, this problem is considered to be less important than the problem of proper disposal of other types of waste, such as radioactive. However, the danger and potential threat of solid waste often remains underestimated. Continue reading Environmental Pollution Essay: Which is Worse Noise Pollution or Radon Pollution Question: In terms of the overall human health impacts in the community, which problem do you feel is worse, noise pollution or radon pollution? Why? Be sure to justify your position with evidence from the literature. Pollution of all kinds and in all its manifestations has already threatened the whole humanity and made the.
by johnson (MALAYSIA) Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?The damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities. Even though a great deal of effort is being now made by governments all over the world, individuals also have a major role to play in the minimizing global environmental hazard.To begin with, one of the major reasons for the pollution of the environment is the uncontrolled use of automobiles. If individuals can make a conscious effort to change their lifestyle, by cutting down the use of private cars and use public transport, it would substantially reduce the burning of fossil fuels. In other words, serious attempt could be made by individuals to travel to work regularly by buses and trains, which are cheap and abundant. Hence, Individual perceptive towards using these transports could help in the reduction of emissions produced by vehicles, and there by playing a vital role in addressing this issue. In addition to this, individual could play a significant role towards safety our environment by not using enormous amount of plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. In other words, almost every consumer use plastics while doing shopping, and there is always use and throw culture. Instead of using this, Individuals efforts could be taken into account opting for eco friendly substitutes. For example, people can use paper and cloth bags instead of plastic in supermarkets. So, use of plastics on the environment is devastating, and must find alternatives to plastic from the individual perceptive. In conclusion, it seems to me that environmental problem is the worrying concern and individuals have a crucial role in joining hands with the government in reducing the harm caused to the environment. Lack.
Length: 722 words (2.1 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The world today is vastly different from what it was before urbanisation and industrialisation had taken its toll on the world. Since the turn of the new millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer are humans living in a world where the environment is serene or stable but much rather becoming unrecognisable and diminishing before our eyes. The plants, trees and flowers are life forms which God has created for us to enjoy its beauty but it is now solely up to us and many other organisations to protect preserve and respect how fragile our environment really is. One of the most evident problems associated to the environment is the issue of the logging of trees, mainly in undisturbed places such as the Amazon basin. Trees are considered the lungs of the Earth. They recycle all the polluting carbon in the air and return oxygen back into our atmosphere, creating a stable cycle of carbon in our atmosphere. However, the impeccable rates which trees are being cut down in our forests have grown to ever increasing and alarming rates. Trees that are made way for farming are burnt up releasing deadly amounts of carbon and thus leading to the problem of global warming. As its names suggest the world is slowly warming up and without any notice the environment which God has gave us will be slowly eradicated. The daily lives which humans carry on about every day are also a factor influencing on our environment and global warming. By driving cars that have a thirst for petrol we are releasing carbon dioxide and furthermore impacting on the world?s climate. In Australia environmental impact has always been evident. Land clearing especially in places such as.
Many people are passionate about various environmental issues. Therefore, it is often a fantastic theme to use as the basis for argumentative essay. However, with so many topics related to environmental issues, it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down the perfect title for your paper. In order to help you think of a good title for your argumentative essay on environmental issues, the following will explain some techniques that you can use to think of ideas. Furthermore, at the bottom of this article, there is a list of 15 of the best argumentative essay topics for environmental issues, which you can either use verbatim, or as further inspiration for your own unique title. One of the best ways to choose a title that you would like to write about is to note down any ideas you have off the top of your head. Some of these ideas may be useless; however, you will most likely be to think of some that you can use or, at the very least, some of the ideas will then inspire you to think of better topics and titles to write about. Essentially, you can use these brainstorming techniques to come up with a range of ideas, which can then be whittled down into you have the ideal title to use. The government should do more to end the reliance on non-renewable energy sources Should car owners pay more in taxes as a result of the environmental damage caused by pollution? Should all future cars be hybrid vehicles to minimise environmental damage and pollution? Should individuals face stricter penalties as a result of littering? Should companies that are found guilty of dumping toxic waste and materials be shut down? Should individual households do more to recycle any rubbish that they produce? Is the United States doing enough to reduce CO2 emissions? Are humans responsible for climate change? Are cheap goods worth it considering the environmental damage caused to produce them? Are.
One of the most common essay topics is the issue of environmental pollution. We can find many examples of works on it that have been done before, so it might be pretty hard to discuss it and discover something new. Anyway, there is no reason for disappointment. Please, find an example of the essay on the pollution problem that can be used as a guide for your future works on this topic. Essay on a Pollution Problem Environmental pollution is one of the threats for people on the Earth. We can describe pollution as adding dirt to our nature, destroying the flora and fauna, as well as the fresh air. When everything is polluted, we endanger our own existence. So let us see the factors that put our life at risk: Our planet suffers from cutting down the trees, which has a very bad influence on it. Carbon dioxide can now easily harm us since there is no protection from the trees that are vanishing and no longer keeping the air clear. The polluted air is the cause of many health problems and can even be a reason of death. There is no doubt that the economy is improved thanks to the industrial development. Despite this fact, our environment is greatly damaged. All the factories, plants and cars produce smoke that causes air pollution. Tuberculosis, lung cancer and other diseases that can even lead to death are the results of breathing smoke with toxic gases. When the average temperature is increased around the world, it is called global warming. This phenomenon is perilous for all the countries near oceans, seas or other water resources. Global warming makes glaciers star melting and causes the increase of the sea level because of higher temperature. It might result in the floods around the world. In addition, it can cause droughts on the Earth shortly, which will damage our planet and all inhabitants a lot. Pollution Essay Sample The population of our planet is constantly.
Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. It is an issue that troubles us economically, physically and everyday of our lives. The contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around currently. Yet, most people do not know about this problem. This shows that environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly worse problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment but also for the people that live in it. Many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. However, if the people of the world were to address the issue it would definitely help both the environment and it's people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which could severally improve the world's environmental problem. On the other hand, if the current way the world's environmental problem is being handled continues, catastrophic consequences can follow for the future population. Over the years, environmental pollution has become more of a problem for a number of reasons. Due to the great increase in the world's population, which is at 6.1 billion, energy use, and the number of vehicles on roads make air pollution a greater threat than ever (Pollution, Environmental). Because of this, air pollution kills eight thousand people a year due to respiratory related problems (Air Pollution Kills). Also, 40% of the world's deaths are being attributed to environmental factors (Segelken). With such a number of people dying a year due to air pollution one can see how much the environmental pollution is affecting us. This dilemma is only made worse due to the current means of disposing nuclear waste. Until 1993, Russia would resort to the dumping of its high and low level.

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