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essay about save mother earth through green energy

Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life. Before 500 A.D., man had a good relationship with Mother Earth. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth. See all 6 photos Save this beautiful Earth! Save the Forest The evolution of people and animals was only possible because of plants. Plants are the base of the food chain and the source of energy for almost all life on Earth. Forests are ancient, mature communities of plants and animals, with homes and places for thousands of species. Forests give us oxygen, food, shelter, medicines, fuel, and furniture. Forests protect us from the heat of the sun, and from wind, cold, and rain. Forests maintain the balance of nature, the environment, the climate, the weather, and the composition of the atmosphere. As a matter of fact, forests are our life. But what are we doing? We are destroying the forests, meaning we are destroying our life and our future. All the problems we face today are made worse by deforestation. If we are thinking beings, we must save plants and forests, because they save us. Save the.
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To save earth from the effects of global warming we have to slow and stop global warming. We can do this: Stop burning all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), and instead only use renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen) or nuclear energy.Replant all the forests we have destroyed all over the world. All countries in the world have agreed to do something (at Kyoto), but not enough of them are acting fast enough! More suggestions: Reduce pollution by reducing air, water and land pollution.Recycle resources by sending the degradable like paper and non degradable like plastic and glass objects to recycling factory.Save resources by using them carefully. Ex. Water (H2O), Trees, Wood, Paper.Stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). So don't waste electricity. Plant lots of trees.There is one way in the 21st century to eliminate a substantial amount of pollution. Get rid of the fossil fuel cars. I spent 25 years owning and 'Emissions Testing Station' in Denver and saw first-hand the effects of TOO many vehicles that run on gas or diesel. A GOOD RUNNING gas engine emits 13-14% CO2. Carbon dioxide. Times a billion cars on get the idea.We can save EARTH by planting more trees, reducing pollution, and mostly, global warming. You can actually buy a saplings, or seeds and plant them next to your house. They release more oxygen and you can breathe much more better.You can search the web and find some organizations that you want to be a part of and join them. You can donate money to a foundation or spend some time volunteering at the local animal shelter, etc.Recycle and be active in nature and be a green family. We save earth by recycling and to stop wasting paper. We can also help by stopping the uncontrolled hunting that brings the animals near extinction. We must stop.
More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of saving mother earth. Indeed, the sense of urgency behind the drive to save the environment is stronger than ever before. After all, we only have one planet; if this one becomes totally ruined, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not have a home. If we all do our part to save mother earth, it is definitely possible. Therefore, people should learn as much as they can about ways that they can help save the environment; by working together, our planet can remain habitable for centuries to come. Save Mother Earth Tip 1: Recycling The popularity of recycling has increased a great deal in recent years, as people search for ways of saving mother earth. Recycling can have a dramatic impact on helping to save the environment. Many different things can be recycled and reused, reducing waste and garbage in landfills and around the planet. In terms of helping to save the environment, recycling is an excellent strategy. It makes sense, in saving mother earth, to reuse her resources as much as possible. Increasing recycling efforts can help us save the environment. Save Mother Earth Tip 2: Education Teaching our children about the importance of saving mother earth is a great way of instilling lifelong habits that can help save the environment. Schools are increasing the teaching of subjects that pertain to helping to save the environment. Young children are encouraged to help save mother earth by engaging in various habits that promote eco-friendly techniques. Parents can also increase the green-education of their children by demonstrating every day strategies for helping in the fight to save the environment. If everyone does their part, today’s children will be tomorrow’s environmentalists, helping to save our planet from ruin. Save Mother Earth Tip 3: Reducing Consumption In addition to recycling.